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zhì xī
  • suffocate;asphyxia;choke;stifle;smother;apnea;suppress
窒息 [zhì xī]
  • (1) [suffocate;stiffle]∶呼吸困难甚至停止

  • 浓烟几乎使他窒息形

  • (2) [suppress]∶形容因受阻而中断

  • 窒息言路

窒息[zhì xī]
  1. 缺乏空气之下人们会窒息。

    People will stifle in the absence of air .

  2. 这将窒息太多的内容,远远不止政治辩论和异议。

    That would stifle a great deal more than political debate and dissent .

  3. 多数受害者是因烟雾窒息而死的。

    Most of the victims were stifled by the fumes .

  4. 她25岁时感到家庭生活令人窒息。

    At 25 , she found family life stifling .

  5. 我的呼吸器上的管子脱落时,我差一点窒息。

    I nearly suffocated when the pipe on my breathing apparatus came adrift .

  6. 很小的玩具可使婴儿窒息。

    Very small toys can choke a baby .

  7. 她厌倦了自己生活令人窒息的一成不变。

    She was bored with the deadening routine of her life .

  8. 在上周的火车撞车事故中有3人窒息死亡。

    Three people were asphyxiated in the crush for last week 's train

  9. 那座城市的街道肮脏不堪,弥漫着令人窒息的废气。

    The city 's streets are filthy and choked with exhaust fumes .

  10. 洋娃娃的头发可能会让小孩窒息。

    A small child could choke on the doll 's hair

  11. 那个女孩吸入烟雾,窒息而死。

    The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke

  12. 死亡是吸入浓烟窒息导致的。

    Death was due to asphyxia through smoke inhalation .

  13. 小房间里令人窒息的热气开始让我感到恶心。

    The stifling heat of the little room was beginning to make me nauseous .

  14. 他们睡觉时窒息而死。

    They were suffocated as they slept .

  15. 景色美得简直让人窒息。

    The views are literally breath-taking .

  16. 一名男子死于浴室中,死因是吸入燃气热水器中排出的气体导致窒息。

    John Doe died in his bath , asphyxiated by the fumes from a gas water-heater .

  17. 肯普顿嗓子眼里发出含混的声音,仿佛他要窒息了。

    Kempton made an inarticulate noise at the back of his throat as if he were about to choke .

  18. 隧道里的污浊空气差点让他窒息而亡。

    The foul air in the tunnel almost suffocated him .

  19. 骨头卡在喉咙里使他窒息。

    The bone wedged in his throat and strangled him .

  20. 火患发生时,他被困在舱底下窒息而死。

    During the fire , he was trapped under the cabin and was suffocated to death .

  21. 骑兵一路上不断扬起令人窒息的灰尘。

    Cavalry , raising clouds of choking dust , went past endlessly .

  22. 这好像蒙了一床鸭绒被,捂得令人窒息。

    It was like being smothered by a feather bed .

  23. 急性伤员的最令人惊恐和紧急的症状是窒息。

    The most dramatic and urgent symptom in the acutely injured patient is asphyxia .

  24. 煤气使他窒息。

    The gas choked him .

  25. 她咳嗽、窒息,头几周几乎坚持不下来。

    She coughed and choked and could hardly survive her first few weeks .

  26. 它们在被困住后可能会窒息或挨饿。

    The animals can suffocate1 or starve after becoming trapped .

  27. 经过了这个城市有诱导作用的恐怖空旷空间后,这个房间看起来小的让人窒息。

    After the agoraphobia-inducing space of the city , this room looked suffocatingly small .

  28. Stuffocation指被各种物品、杂物淹没,导致不堪重负的感觉,我们可称之为“杂物窒息”。

    Stuffocation is the feeling of being overwhelmed and weighed down by material things , i.e. ' stuff ' .

  29. 新生儿窒息后脑损伤的CT及临床分析

    Clinical Analysis for the CT of Cerebral Injury after Neonatal Asphyxia

  30. 外部性脑积水CT诊断及与新生儿窒息的关系

    The Relationship Between CT Diagnoses of External Hydrocephalus and Neonatal Asphyxia