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táo shēng
  • escape;fly;flee for one's life;escape with one's life
逃生 [táo shēng]
  • [flee for one's life;escape with one's life;fly] 逃出险境,以求生存

  • 霍克伯里河及其支流全部泛滥,灾情那么严重,农民们不得不赶快逃生

  • 死里逃生

逃生[táo shēng]
  1. 制定火灾逃生计划。

    Create a fire escape plan .

  2. 这是一次非比寻常的冒险。欧内斯特·沙克尔顿(ErnestShackleton)和他手下的船员们被困在海冰里数月,最终放弃了被撞毁的船只,徒步逃生。

    It was an extraordinary adventure ­ - Ernest Shackleton and his men trapped in sea ice for months on end before eventually abandoning their crashed ship and making an escape on foot .

  3. 他得以逃生,只是断了一只胳膊。

    He escaped with only a broken arm .

  4. 里德不得不从严重受损的飞机上跳伞逃生。

    Reid was forced to bail out of the crippled aircraft

  5. 他目睹了许多人从五层高的楼上跳下来逃生的惊险场面。

    He witnessed many dramatic escapes as people jumped from as high as the fourth floor

  6. 乘客们从飞机前部4个出口处的紧急滑道滑下逃生了。

    Passengers escaped from the plane 's front four exits by sliding down emergency chutes .

  7. 疑似右翼极端分子的一些人向他的办公室开枪扫射,他侥幸逃生。

    He narrowly escaped with his life when suspected right-wing extremists fired shots into his office .

  8. 飞行员安全地跳伞逃生。

    The pilot bailed out safely .

  9. 小船下沉的时候,他们不得不游水逃生。

    When the boat sank , they had to swim for it .

  10. 船长已弃船逃生。

    The captain of the ship has deserted .

  11. 野兔无处逃生;一群豺狗在追踪它。

    The hare could find no safety , a pack of jackals had it in the wind .

  12. 他们无法找到一条逃生之路。

    They could not find a way to get themselves out .

  13. 全体船员弃船逃生。

    The whole crew deserted .

  14. 正如该报告的作者所指出的那样,即使险中逃生,也可能引起一个难以承担的监管框架的建立,影响科学立方体卫星的未来部署。

    As the report authors point out , even near-misses might lead to the " creation of a burdensome regulatory framework and affect the future disposition of science CubeSats . "

  15. 一起来看看突发洪水逃生指南:避开架在湍急水流之上的桥梁,因为洪水可能会把桥冲垮。

    Avoid bridges that cross rapidly-moving water , as floodwaters can cause bridges to collapse .

  16. 不要去阁楼,因为阁楼没有逃生通道,可能会被困在里面。

    Do not go into the attic7 , as it is possible to become trapped there without a way to escape .

  17. 船刚到江心,就漏水下沉了,船上的人纷纷泅水逃生。

    When the boat reached the middle of the river , it leaked and sank . All the people on the boat swam for their lives .

  18. 俄罗斯一架苏-34战斗机周五在远东地区从雷达上消失,机组可能已弹射逃生。

    A Su-34 fighter jet on Friday vanished off the radars in Russia 's Far East and the crew possibly managed to eject , local press reported .

  19. 查尔斯先生在演讲中说到,准备好一个“紧急求生包”只是成功的一半,同样重要的还有知道逃生到哪儿。

    During his presentation , Mr. Charles suggested that a well-prepared bug-out bag was only part of the equation1 : just as important was knowing where to go .

  20. “紧急求生包”即装有在紧急情况下需要物品的包,发生灾难需要迅速逃生时可以背上就走。

    Bug-out bag is a bag that contains items needed in an emergency and that is ready for a person to take if they have to leave quickly in the event of a disaster .

  21. 加入立体效果后,巨轮显得更加奢华,杰克将打算跳海逃生的露丝救上船的场景在3D效果下看来更加惊险,让人有身临其境之感。

    The ship looks all the more sumptuous with the added dimension . The scene where Jack rescues Rose from jumping overboard comes off as more dangerous and intimately revealing in 3-D.

  22. 氯化氢(HCl)是火灾烟气中阻碍人员逃生的最重要的刺激性气体之一。

    Irritant gas hydrogen chloride ( HCl ) is one of most important toxic gases that blocks people to evacuate from fire circumstances .

  23. 现在,你可以看到,这些渔船没有任何逃生之处,GreyRiver河水泛滥,TasmanSea波涛汹涌。

    Now you see it , now you don 't. These fishing boats are straining across no man 's lands , where a flooded Grey River met a violent Tasman Sea .

  24. 退出节目你用鼠标点击按钮的逃生方或使用键盘的ESC键你。

    To exit the program , use your mouse to click the Escape button on the side or use the ESC key on your keyboard .

  25. Ksyusha就是这么一只能从玻璃容器中逃生的小猫咪。

    Well , Ksyusha the kitten has no problem escaping the glass container .

  26. 升级正在进行中,以添加生命支持设备、座椅和一个宇航员逃生系统,但SpaceX对于具有三层保护装置的太空舱有更大的保护。

    Upgrades are underway to add life support equipment , seating and an escape system for crew , but SpaceX has even grander ambitions for its gumdrop-shaped Dragon .

  27. 取而代之的方案是今晨三名俄罗斯宇航员,两民美国宇航员和一名荷兰宇航员接到地面控制中心的命令,立即前往逃生舱Soyuz做躲避。

    Instead , the three Russian , two American and Dutch astronaut were ordered by ground control to take shelter in the emergency Soyuz spacecraft early today .

  28. 然后要从紧急逃生楼梯爬上22层,一个楼层接一个楼层都是各种机构空荡荡的办公室,包括石油公司雪佛龙德士古(chevrontexaco)和英国大使馆。

    Then it was a 22-floor climb up the emergency stairs , past empty floor after empty floor of offices of organisations ranging from ChevronTexaco , the oil company , to the British Embassy .

  29. 通过对克拉尼(Cranee)公式的修改,给出了发生火灾时公路隧道内人员基于温度的逃生条件。

    By improving Cranee Equation , the escape conditions of tunnel users with temperature are presented .

  30. 20岁的Liddle只受了点小伤,侥幸逃生。这是他上个月通过驾驶考试后第一次开车上路。

    Liddle , 20 - driving the car for the first time after passing his test the month before - escaped with minor injuries .