
  • 网络The Flight into Egypt
  1. 罗马将军和政治家和恺撒大帝争吵过并逃往埃及,在那里他被谋杀。

    Roman general and statesman who quarrelled with Caesar and fled to Egypt where he was murdered .

  2. 所有这个关于在埃及旅居,神圣家族逃往埃及,为了躲避邪恶君主。

    The whole thing about that , the Egyptian sojourn the holy family goes to Egypt to escape the wicked king .

  3. 那时哈达还是幼童;他和他父亲的臣仆,几个以东人逃往埃及。

    But Hadad fled to Egypt , together with certain Edomites of his father 's servants , Hadad still being a little child .

  4. 耶罗波安却起身逃往埃及。到了埃及王示撒那里,就住在埃及,直到所罗门死了。

    Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam , but Jeroboam fled to Egypt , to Shishak the king , and stayed there until Solomon 's death .

  5. 尼八的儿子耶罗波安先前躲避所罗门王,逃往埃及,住在那里。他听见这事,就从埃及回来。

    When Jeroboam son of Nebat heard this ( he was in Egypt , where he had fled from King Solomon ), he returned from Egypt .

  6. 约雅敬王和他众勇士,众首领听见了乌利亚的话,王就想要把他治死。乌利亚听见就惧怕,逃往埃及去了。

    And when Jehoiakim the king , with all his mighty men , and all the princes , heard his words , the king sought to put him to death : but when Urijah heard it , he was afraid , and fled , and went into Egypt ;

  7. 二战之后,侯赛尼逃往法国但被捕,后又逃往埃及。

    After the war , Husseni fled to France , where he was arrested .