
  • 网络humanistic literature
  1. 作为文艺复兴时期人文主义文学发展繁荣的代表,莎士比亚之所以在戏剧艺术史上具有重大的意义,其艺术形象的个性刻画是极为重要的原因之一。

    Shakespear , representative of the flourishing of humanistic literature in the Renaissance , is of great significance in dramatic history .

  2. 第四章论述文艺复兴人文主义文学中两希文化传统的冲撞与融合的关系。

    The fourth chapter discusses the relationship of the collision and fusion of the cultural tradition of Hellas and Greece in the humanistic literature of the Renaissance .

  3. 他刚获得了人文主义文学名誉博士学位。

    He received an honorary doctorate degree in Humane Letters .

  4. 30年代中国人文主义文学思潮

    Chinese Humanism Ideological Frend of Literature in 1930 's

  5. 人的母题与西方现代价值观&人文主义文学新论

    The Motif of Man and Modern Values in the West : A New Perspective to Humanist Literature

  6. 人文主义文学的精神实质不仅仅在于对人性的张扬,还包括对人性的忧叹与反思。

    The spiritual nature of the humanist literature lies in the expansion of humanity as well as the worry and reflection of humanity .

  7. 人文主义文学在表现人的觉醒、人的发现与人性狂欢的同时,还追问人类理性的可靠性,忧叹超验价值信仰的缺失,并且企图通过文学为人类重建一个自由的归属之所。

    The humanist literature represents the human awakening , human self-discovery and humane ecstasy , investigates the reliability of human rationality , worries about the lack and loss of transcendental value belief and attempts to re-establish a free haven for humans .

  8. 人文主义与英国文学&论莎士比亚作品中的人文主义

    Humanism and English Literature & Humanism in ShakesPeare 's Works

  9. 吴宓新人文主义的道德的文学观

    Wu Mi 's " Morality " Literature View of New Humanism

  10. 试析索绪尔语言学对结构主义文论的影响失落了的人文关怀&结构主义文学批评的理论困境

    Saussure 's linguistics influence on the Structuralist theory of literature and art On the Difficulties of Structuralist Literary Criticism

  11. 利维斯秉承了阿诺德的人文主义传统,将文学视为对生活的批评,将生活的严肃性作为评判伟大作家的唯一标尺。

    Leavis adhered to the humanist tradition of Arnold , regarding literature as the criticism of life , and the seriousness of life as the only ruler to judge the great writer .

  12. 骑士精神的演化反映了欧洲中世纪文明的进程,而宫廷爱情标志着欧洲人文主义思想和人文主义文学的重大发展。

    The evolution of chivalry reflected the advancing process of European civilizations in the Middle Ages and courtly love was a great development of humanism in medieval Europe .

  13. 本论文概述了西方人文主义发展以及该人文主义精神在蒙古文学中的显现,并将它们的发展与基本精神作了比较研究。

    The present paper has outlined the West humanism development as well as this humanism spirit in the Mongolian literature appearance , and made theirs development and the basic spirit has studied .