
  • 网络kiril;Kirill;KYRILL
  1. 那她不在这儿。没错吧基里尔?

    So , she 's not here , right kiril ?

  2. 基里尔两年没有说话了。

    Kiril hasn 't spoken for two years .

  3. 基里尔已经感到莎拉就在附近,而他十分渴望能够亲手抓住她。

    Kiril can sense that Sarah is close and he is eager to catch her .

  4. 俄东正教大主教基里尔也认为,国家杜马不会同意从国歌中删除“上帝”一词。

    Russian Orthodox Patriarchate Kirill said the Duma would not agree to remove " God " from the lyrics .

  5. 独立以后,中亚国家再次提出将主体民族现行的以基里尔字母为基础的文字进行拉丁化的问题。

    After the independence , each country of Central Asia once more put forward the question about the use of Latin alphabet .

  6. 当其他恶魔部队忙于毁灭亚山世界的时候,基里尔正在追捕背叛他的天使长莎拉。

    While the rest of Sheogh is set on destroying Ashan , Kiril is hunting for the Archangel Sarah who betrayed him .

  7. 基里尔追寻这黑暗魔法的踪迹,来到了神圣猎鹰帝国西部领地的一个平静峡谷。

    Kiril has followed a dark trail of magic to a peaceful valley on the Western borders of the Holy Falcon Empire .

  8. 苏联时期,中亚各民族的文字在上个世纪前半期都曾经历过拉丁字母化和基里尔字母化两次较大的文字改革。

    In the first half of the20 century , each nation of Central Asia once used the Latin alphabet , and used Russian alphabet later .

  9. 像所有双胞胎一样,他们之间有着紧密的联系,即使在多年的分离之后,基里尔仍然感到同妹妹之间的强烈联系。

    Like most twins they share a deep bond , and despite long years of separation , Kiril still feels a strong affinity for her .

  10. 菲昂12岁,基里尔8岁,他们在一所优秀的中文公立小学念书,已经能够流利的用普通话读写。

    Fionn , 12 , and kiril , eight , study at a prestigious Chinese national school where they have become fluent in reading and writing Mandarin .

  11. 文章简要介绍了前苏联境内操突厥语诸民族使用的基里尔字母文字及其使用情况和存在的问题。

    This paper focuses on the introduction of the conditions of the Cyrillic alphabet , which has been adopted by some Turkic peoples in former Soviet Union , and problems in their usage are discussed in it .