
  1. 好或坏黑或白蓝或红

    good or bad , black or white , blue or red

  2. 下周,世界将看到我们所承诺的表现美国队高举红白蓝的国旗进入奥林匹克体育场并带着金牌回家。

    And next week , the world will see one expression of that commitment - when Team USA marches the red , white , and blue into the Olympic Stadium - and brings home the gold .

  3. 红、白、蓝彩旗装点着该市修复一新的火车站。

    Red , white and blue bunting hung in the city 's renovated train station .

  4. Wayne舞衣所呈现强烈的白、蓝、黄、红色在加拿大原住民文化中是具有很深的意义。

    The vivid white , blue , yellow , and red in Wayne 's regalia have deep meaning in aboriginal culture .

  5. 为红、白、蓝欢呼、欢呼、再欢呼!

    Three cheers for the red , white , and blue !

  6. 经典的白和蓝搭配,宁静而浪漫,抒写着诗一般的心境。

    The classical match of white and blue is quiet and romantic .

  7. 英国国旗是红、白、蓝三色。

    The British national flag is red , white , and blue .

  8. 这是一场红、白、蓝的演唱会。

    It 's a red , white and blue concert .

  9. 别用白,蓝,黑这三种颜色的纸包扎钱。

    Don 't wrap gift money in white , blue or black paper .

  10. 我的旗是红、白、蓝相间的。

    My flag is red , white and blue .

  11. 红,白,蓝,黑(举起你们的手)

    Red , white , blue , black ( Throw your hands up )

  12. 她有一件白底蓝点的连衣裙。

    She has a white dress with blue spots .

  13. 澳大利亚国旗主色:红,白,蓝。

    Main Colors of the Australian Flag : Red , white and blue .

  14. 他们具有白皮肤蓝眼睛。

    They have light skin and blue eyes .

  15. 后来用红、白、蓝的马赛克砖盖起来。

    This was later covered with a mosaic of red , white and blue cubes .

  16. 英国国旗上有三种颜色,那就是红,白,蓝。

    There are three colors in the British flag , namely red , white and blue .

  17. 白美蓝对兔和大白鼠的胃和食道迷走神经活体染色效果的探讨

    Leucomethylene blue vital staining on the vagus nerve of the stomach and oesophagus in rabbits and rats

  18. 美国国旗的颜色,红、白、蓝三色是这天庆祝的特有颜色。

    Fourth of July decorations feature the colors of the American flag-red , white , and blue .

  19. 红、白、蓝三色彩带模仿“星条旗”的颜色;

    Red , white and blue ribbons mimic the colors of the " stars and stripes " .

  20. 答:红,白,蓝三种颜色.红色代表勇气;白色代表真实;蓝色代表公正.代表最初开国的十三州。

    A : Red , White and Blue . Red stands for courage , White stands for truth and Blue stands for justice .

  21. 具有各种花色(白、蓝、紫或红)的短花距的欧洲耧斗草;原产美国。

    Common European columbine having variously colored ( white or blue to purple or red ) short-spurred flowers ; naturalized in United States .

  22. 可见右下方广泛的白、蓝白结节状软骨瘤组织正从骨向外浸润。

    Note the extensive nodules of white to bluish-white cartilagenous tumor tissue eroding and extending outward from the bone at the lower right .

  23. 每种型号的食人鱼模块都有防水少不防水类型,每种模块均有红、黄、白、蓝、绿颜色可供选择。

    Each type of piranhas module have waterproof and not waterproof types , each module is red , yellow , blue green color options .

  24. 同时星巴克的咖啡连锁店正在销售红,白,蓝的袖口为金融机遇网(提供小型企业贷款的网站)集资。

    Its coffee shops are selling red , white and blue wristbands to raise money for the Opportunity Finance Network , which provides loans to small businesses .

  25. 一种受欢迎的美国信箱架是胶合板做的山姆大叔,他手捧着漆成红、白、蓝三色的信箱。

    A favorite American mailbox stand is the plywood Uncle Sam who holds the box in his hands and is painted red , white , and blue .

  26. 多种多年生植物,有宽大奢华有棱的叶子和白、蓝或紫色的花串;用作地被。

    Any of numerous perennials having mounds of sumptuous broad ribbed leaves and clusters of white , blue , or lilac flowers ; used as ground cover .

  27. 在繁殖季节中,或者当火鸡感到兴奋时,它们头部的颜色就会在红、白、蓝三色中发生变化。

    During the breeding season , or when they get excited , the colour of their head can change through shades of red , white and blue .

  28. 对所有身着红、白、蓝服装店奥运会和残奥会的运动员,知道你的国家不能以你为荣。

    To all of our Olympic and Paralympic athletes wearing the red , white , and blue - know that your country couldn 't be prouder of you .

  29. 这套为奥运会开幕式打造的服装由代表星条旗的红、白、蓝三色组成,贝雷帽、上衣和长裤均出自美国品牌拉尔夫劳伦,并由中国制造。

    The uniforms for the opening ceremony are American red , white and blue . The berets , blazers and pants were designed by US label Ralph Lauren and made in China .

  30. 外球体由透明玻璃制成,内部有白,蓝,红三色五个反射源安置在中空的金属架上。

    The globe is made from transparent glass and each lamp has5 reflectors in hollowed-out steel with a lacquered finish coloured white , blue and red inside , including a chrome canopy .