- 名iamb

A couplet written in iambic pentameter is called a heroic couplet .
It was written in rhyming couplets of iambic pentameter .
A line of verse that has six iambic feet .
( prosody ) of or consisting of iambs .
They usually write poetry in heroic couplets , a polished iambic pentameter line .
This fact about English has long been exploited by poets in creating the English language 's most common verse form , iambic pentameter .
The meter of Green Eggs and Ham is a combination of trochaic and iambic tetrameter ; for details , see Dr. Seuss 's meters .
The primary metrical pattern in Frost is the primary metrical pattern in English poetry , which is to say blank verse or unrhymed iambic pentameter .
Shakespeare 's plays , all of them written largely in iambic pentameter verse , are marked by extraordinary poetry , vivid , subtle , and complex characterizations , and a highly inventive use of English .
First it argues the Dun in Chinese classical poetry should be substituted for feet in English version , and five or seven-character Lines in Chinese poetry be rendered as iambic pentameter in English poetry in the perspective of rhythm .