
  • 网络painting art;the art of painting;graphic arts;fine arts
  1. 后来,她在全国绘画艺术比赛中获得二等奖。

    Later , she won the second prize in a national painting and art competition .

  2. 其作品注重主观情感的表现,追求同类色彩的微妙运用,表现色彩的丰富感,把色彩的运用推向了极致;通过对神秘的色彩氛围营造,表现了对绘画艺术的真挚情感。

    His works focus on the subjective feelings of performance in pursuit of the same color of the subtle use of rich color performance sense , the use of color into the extreme ; through the atmosphere to create a mystery , showing his painting of sincere emotion .

  3. 他在自己的绘画艺术中打破了科学的直线透视法规律。

    In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective .

  4. 这是一门绘画艺术。

    This is a graphic arts .

  5. 本文通过绘画艺术与建筑艺术之间的关系,阐述如何正确的使用LED等点、线光源。

    Through analysis the relation between painting and architecture art , this paper shows how to use correctly using points and lines sources of LED and so on .

  6. 这对推动绘画艺术的发展是非常有好处的。

    This will promote the development of painting is very good .

  7. 抽象性形态是绘画艺术体系中的重要支柱。

    Abstract form is an important pillar of painting art system .

  8. 从现代绘画艺术看西方现代园林

    Western Modern Landscape Architecture : A View from Modern Painting Art

  9. 范曾绘画艺术思想浅论

    A Brief Discussion of Fan Zeng 's Artistic Thought in Painting

  10. 论中国绘画艺术审美中意境的不确定性

    The Indefiniteness of Aesthetic Mood in the Art of Chinese Painting

  11. 对中国绘画艺术中不确定性特征的探讨

    Research for the Specific " Non-determinacy " of Chinese Painting Art

  12. 色彩是绘画艺术语言构成中最活跃、最丰富、最敏感和最富有艺术表现力的视觉因素。

    Color is the most active and abundant factor in painting language .

  13. 绘画艺术与设计艺术是美术领域的两大分支。

    Painting art and design art are the two branches of art .

  14. 绘画艺术风格生成本源探微

    An Probe into the Origin of Formation of the Artistic Drawing Style

  15. 静谧的空间,诗一般的意境&维米尔的绘画艺术

    Silent Space and Poetic Atmosphere & Johannes Vermeer 's Art

  16. 欧洲景观及其理论与绘画艺术的渊源

    The Origins of Landscape Theory and Painting Art in Europe

  17. 印象派绘画艺术的转捩与变革研究

    A Study on Artistic Transformation and Innovation of Impressionism Painting

  18. 通过比较,我们也可以更深入地了解西方绘画艺术。

    By comparison , we can also understand Western paintings more deeply .

  19. 奥基弗绘画艺术研究

    The Research on the Graphic Arts of the Georgia O'Keefe

  20. 绘画艺术符号化的差异演进

    The Differentiated Evolution of the Signalization in the Painting Art

  21. 从东西方绘画艺术看图示的继承和发展

    Viewing the Inheritance and Development of Figures from Eastern and Western Painting

  22. 略谈绘画艺术的具象与抽象代表性差别分析方法及其改进

    Representational Art and Abstract Art Representational Difference Analysis and it 's Modification

  23. 中国绘画艺术传神与写意的美学观和时代演进

    On Developing Aesthetics of Vividness and Bold Outline in Traditional Chinese Painting

  24. 生活是一门没有橡皮擦的绘画艺术。

    Life is the art of drawing without an eraser .

  25. 一种描绘自然风光的绘画艺术流派。

    A style of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery .

  26. 现实与梦幻的交织&绘画艺术的魅力

    A Mixture of Reality and Dream-the Charm of Painting

  27. 精神分裂症患者团体绘画艺术干预

    Group intervention for schizophrenia inpatient with art as medium

  28. 中国传统人格类型与绘画艺术审美特色

    Chinese Traditional Personality types and the Characteristics of drawing Artistic Appreciation of Beautiful

  29. 从绘画艺术到新媒体艺术

    From the Tradition Art to the New Media Art

  30. 论陶瓷绘画艺术与中国画特质的共同性

    On the common characteristics of the ceramic painting art and Chinese traditional paintings