
huì jǐng
  • scenic painting
绘景[huì jǐng]
  1. 同时,提出了非线性薛定谔方程的精细Runge-Kutta方法,与最新基于量子力学的相互作用绘景给出的薛定谔方程的计算方法基本一致。

    In the meantime , precise Runge-Kutta method for solving nonlinear Schrodinger equations is presented , which is the same as the recent result based on interaction picture in quantum mechanics .

  2. 利用相互作用绘景,采用完全量子化理论,研究了充满Kerr介质的高Q腔中级联型三能级原子与压缩相干态光场相互作用系统粒子布居几率的时间演化规律;

    In this paper , the atomic population evolution vs. time in the system of three-level cascade atom interacting with squeezed coherent light field in a Kerr medium is investigated by means of the interacting picture and the quantum theory .

  3. 本文首次在海森堡绘景中推导了适用于啁啾脉冲激光泵浦情况的满足Bogoliubov变换的光场算符演化方程。

    To the best of our knowledge , we derive the field operator evolution equation for chirped pump pulses for the first time in the Heisenberg picture , which satisfys the Bogoliubov transformation .

  4. 本文应用J-C模型与相互作绘景中的密度算符理论,研究了两个二能级Rydberg原子与两个纠缠耗散腔场单光子共振相互作用过程中线性熵的演化特性。

    In this paper , by using J-C model and the density operator theory in interaction picture , we studied the evolution features of linear entropy in the system of two two-level Rydberg atom and two entangled dissipative cavities with single-photon resonant interaction .

  5. 采用全量子化理论,在相互作用绘景中,研究了T-C模型中随时间变化的原子间耦合系数对系统的光子统计性质影响。

    The photon statistical evolution in the model of T-C is studied by means of the quantum theory and in the interacting picture . It is discussed that the coincidence coefficient changing with time between atoms affects the photon statistical properties of the system .

  6. 闭路格林函数中的相互作用绘景

    The interaction picture in the closed time path green 's functions

  7. 数字绘景在特技镜头中的创作应用研究

    Research on Application of " Matte Painting " in Special Lens Effects Shooting

  8. 《人间笔记》写人与绘景的道德化价值

    Notes on the Human World and its Moral Value

  9. 这是因为诗、画都是写人绘景;

    This is because the poetry and painting are people drawn to write King ;

  10. 量子力学的绘景与绘景变换

    Picture of quantum mechanics and its transformation

  11. 论两种绘景中的散射矩阵

    Scatter Matrix Against Two Scenes

  12. A+BC共线碰撞能量传递的动力学李代数结合中间绘景研究

    Application of Dynamical Lie Algebraic Method Combining Intermediate Picture to Energy Transfer in A + BC Collinear Collision

  13. 在第二章,首先介绍研究光与物质相互作用所需的三种基本绘景,并指出它们之间的关联。

    In the second chapter , we first review three pictures of the interaction between the light and matter .

  14. 汤姆本人则为绘景师进度慢而感到焦躁,等得很不耐烦。

    Tom himself began to fret over the scene-painter 's slow progress , and to feel the miseries of waiting .

  15. 利用全量子理论,在相互作用绘景中研究了两个耦合二能级原子与单模压缩相干态光场相互作用系统粒子布居几率的时间演化规律;

    The atomic population evolution vs. time in the system of two two-level coupling-atoms interacting with squeezed coherent light field is investigated .

  16. 讨论了适用于求解该方程以及广义非线性薛定谔方程的数值方法:与对称分步傅里叶法结合的相互作用绘景中的四阶龙格-库塔法。

    And the numerical method-the Fourth-order Runge-Kutta in the Interaction Picture combined with split-step Fourier method-is discussed to compute the above equation and the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation . 2 .

  17. 在耦合和射频驱动场的缀饰态绘景中,该五能级原子系统相当于一个存在多通道自发辐射相干效应的真实原子系统。

    In the dressed-state picture of the coupling and rf-driving fields , this five-level atomic system is equivalent in form to a real atomic system with multi-channel spontaneous emission coherence .

  18. 绘景师走了,他只糟蹋了一个房间的地板,毁掉了马车夫的所有海绵,带坏了五个干粗活的仆人,一个个变得又懒惰又不满意。

    The scene-painter was gone , having spoilt only the floor of one room , ruined all the coachman 's sponges , and made five of the under-servants idle and dissatisfied ;

  19. 采用相互作用绘景,用完全量子化方法研究两个两能级原子与腔场的相互作用中场的相关性质及压缩效应,揭示了多光子过程对上述性质的影响。

    TO study the coherent property and squeezed phenomenon of field in two two-level atoms interacting with cavity field , and discuss the influence on above property by multi photon process .

  20. 该文在相互作用绘景中,用完全量子化的方法研究了压缩相干态与两个耦合二能级原子相互作用过程中,系统光子数的统计演化规律;

    In this paper , the photon statistical evolution in the system of two coupling two-level atoms interacting with squeezed coherent-state field is studied by the interacting picture by means of quantum theory .

  21. 他们根本不听从他的意见,就从伦敦请来一个绘景师,已经开始工作,这就大大增加了开支,而且更糟糕的是,事情闹得沸沸扬扬。

    Entirely against_his_judgment , a scene-painter arrived from town , and was at work , much to the increase of the expenses , and , what was worse , of the eclat of their proceedings ;

  22. 不同于常用的薛定谔绘景中量子态的演化,算符演化方程不仅适用于低增益下关联光子对特性的研究,在高增益下也同样适用。

    Differently from the commonly used quantum state evolution equation in the Schrodinger picture , the field operator evolution equation is not only suitable to study the quantum correlated photon pairs in the low gain regime , but also in the high gain regime .

  23. 《清溪渔隐图》所绘之景是夏季雨后的江南村落的场景,而李唐从图中传达更多的是忙中偷闲,安乐生活的一种情感。

    The stream fishing implicit map drawn of the King is the scene of the summer after the rain of the southern villages , Li Tang convey more an emotional break from the busy , good standard of living .