
  1. 不用我晚点再扔吧

    Bryce : No. Maybe I 'll do it later .

  2. 把它扔了吧。

    Throw it away .

  3. 没有人要吃这些食物,最好还是扔了吧。

    No one will eat this food ; it might just as well be thrown away .

  4. 然后,狗就带着厌恶的表情说:“把它扔了吧,朋友,这封信有什么意思呀?”

    Then the Dog said in disgust , " Oh , throw it away , do : what 's the good of a thing like that ? "

  5. 把那臭鱼扔了吧,臭气熏天的!

    Throw that decayed fish away , it stinks to high heaven !

  6. 我看还是趁早把他给扔了吧。

    I don 't want to give the king an ugly chicken .

  7. 不不行快扔上来吧

    No , you can 't. Just toss it up .

  8. 这下可好啦,咱们朝她们扔泥巴吧!

    Come , therefore , and let us fling mud at them !

  9. 那么把我扔回去吧,扔到过去的生活里去吧。

    Fling me back then , upon the life I lived before .

  10. 把你的旧衣服扔了吧,穿些时兴的!

    Eg. throw away your old clothes , keep up to date !

  11. 把面包扔了吧,上面都长霉了。

    Throw the bread away , it has got mould on it .

  12. 你其他的电子产品怎么办扔了吧

    And all those other electronic devices you had ? Recycle them .

  13. 这些旧家俱该扔了吧;我们该买新的了。

    Let 's throw these old furniture away ; we should get new ones .

  14. 你不用把我扔出去吧。

    You don 't have to throw me .

  15. 他总不会把钱也扔了吧?

    He 's not ditching the money .

  16. 赶快扔了吧!

    Get rid of them already !

  17. 那就把这个案子扔了吧。

    Then threw out the case .

  18. 不过,日本人还是想吃多少吃多少,吃不了的,就扔了吧。

    But despite that , Japanese people will eat as much as they like and simply throw away the rest .

  19. 如果你想花最少的努力来获得更大的成就,那就把“多劳多得”的想法扔一边吧!

    We all want to generate the greatest noticeable impact with the least amount of effort , as quick as possible .

  20. 你们不觉得这是在浪费时间吗?还有成千上万只海星躺在岸上呢!你们肯定不会一整天都这样扔下去吧。

    Don 't you think it is a waste of your time as there are hundreds of starfishes still lying around .

  21. 所以如果你马上将肉煮熟,就把肉扔了吧,或把它扔给对细菌不敏感的小狗吃。

    So if you can 't cook it soon , throw it away , or give it to the dog , who is not as sensitive to those bacteria .

  22. 于是擦着眼泪对楼上喊:大兄弟,行行好,把那女的也扔下来吧,我现在还是以单身呢!

    So wiping her tears right upstairs shouting : Big Brother for god sakes , put the woman also threw down Come on , I still do with a single !

  23. 那你也打算教我吗一步一个脚印情圣不如你先把那双富乐坤扔了吧

    You gonna show me how to do that too ? One thing at a time , Don Juan . Why don 't we start with you losing those Florsheims .

  24. 把推卸责任的想法扔一边吧,这只会让你的情况更糟,而且会让别人在今后的工作中无法信任你。

    Put aside any urges to place blame on others where it isnt due . This will only worsen your situation , and can lead others to distrust you in the future .

  25. “瞧,还真有个戴红字的女人;还且,一点不假,还有个象红字似的小东西在她身边跑着呢!这下可好啦,咱们朝她们扔泥巴吧!”

    " Behold , verily , there is the woman of the scarlet letter ; and , of a truth , moreover , there is the likeness of the scarlet letter running along by her side ! Come , therefore , and let us fling mud at them !"

  26. 把你的袋子就扔到那边吧。

    Just throw your bag down over there .

  27. 你不会把我扔在这儿吧。

    You 're not gonna just leave me here .

  28. 大家一起来向这两位扔点米吧!

    Everyone , start throwing rice at these two !

  29. 要不我们扔硬币决定吧。

    Perhaps we should flip a coin .

  30. 成啊把我的礼物扔地上吧

    Yeah , just leave my birthday present on the floor . That 's my girl .