
  • 网络Psychological analysis;psychological autopsy
  1. 66例完成自杀者的心理剖析

    A psychological autopsy study for 66 cases completed suicide

  2. 目的用心理剖析的方法探讨完成自杀者的相关因素。

    Objective To find out some risk factors of completed suicide with psychological autopsy method .

  3. 大学生嫉妒心理剖析及其辅导策略

    Analysis and Counseling Strategies on Jealousy of the University Students

  4. 洁净手术空间心理剖析与环境重构

    Analysis and Recreation of Psychological Environment in Bio-clean Operation Department

  5. 农村籍大学生就业心理剖析

    Analysis on the Employment Psychology of University Students from Countryside

  6. 邮政职工的心理剖析及疏导

    The Psychological Analyses of Post Staff and Workers and the Methods of Persuasion

  7. 珠宝饰品感知价值的市场心理剖析及其提升策略

    Marketing psychology analysis and suggestions of jewelry perceptive value

  8. 非典型性肺炎病人的心理剖析与护理

    Psychological Analysis and Care of SARS Patients

  9. 妇科手术病人的心理剖析与整体护理体会

    Discussion on the psychoanalysis and nursing care of patients in department of obstetrics & gynecology after operation

  10. 计算机网络犯罪及心理剖析

    The crimes committed by means of the computer networks and the analysis on the ( criminals ') mentality

  11. 常熟&太仓5.1级地震后地震谣言和恐震心理剖析

    Dissection of the Rumours About Earthquakes and Psychology of People 's Fear of Earthquakes After the M5.1 Earthquake in Changshu-Taicang Area

  12. 第二节以《现代文学》及其重要作家欧阳子为例分析以心理剖析为艺术特色的现代派文学与此时期女性文学的关系。

    Section two takes " Modern Literature " and a writer Ouyang Zi as example , analyses relationship between female literature of this period and the modernist literature featured by psychoanalysis .

  13. 通过对一例伴有自杀行为癌症患者的社会心理剖析,探讨导致癌症患者出现自杀心理或行为的各种因素,希望能对临床医师的诊疗工作有一定启示,以尽可能避免类似悲剧的发生。

    To explore the causes led to suicidal psychology and action by taking apart one case with cancer who had suicidal action , it is expected to give some revelation to clinical physicians , in order to avoid such tragedy happening again .

  14. 从品德心理角度剖析青少年网络道德问题及其对策

    Network Moral Problems from the Angle of Moral Psychology and Its Solutions

  15. 篮球运动员临场心理状态剖析

    An Analysis of Basketball Players ' Psychology State in Competition

  16. 医学院校大学生择业心理问题剖析及调适

    Analyzing and Adjusting the Psychological Problems of Medical College Students in Job Hunting

  17. 青春期性心理的剖析与雕塑

    Analysis and Sculpture of Puberty Sex Psychology

  18. 武汉洪山2004·1·8盗案心理测试剖析

    An analysis on the mental tests on the " Jan 8th , 2004 " Case of Robbery in Hongshan , Wuhan

  19. 通过对高职学生在顶岗实习期间的挫折心理进行剖析之后,提出了通过挫折教育克服挫折心理的具体对策。

    Through the analysis of their setback psychology during post practice , the countermeasures to overcome setback psychology by setback education are put forward .

  20. 学生惧栏心理障碍剖析及其克服措施恐惧会妨碍脱体经验的发生,所以必须加以克服。

    On the Analysis of Block for Students Fearing Hurdles and the Measure for Overcoming It ; Fears always interfere and must thus be overcome .

  21. 从品德心理角度剖析,其本质是青少年网络道德认识紊乱、网络道德情感沦丧、网络道德意志瓦解、网络道德行为失范。

    From the angle of moral psychology , teenagers have problems in network moral cognition , network moral emotion , network moral will and network moral behavior essentially .

  22. 本文通过对张君犯罪心理的剖析指出,要特别注意一种由反社会的人格障碍导致的犯罪现象。

    By analyzing the criminal psychology of Zhang Jun , the author points out that we should pay very close attention to the criminal phenomena touched off by the character against society .

  23. 第一部分主要描述铁凝小说从对人性美的礼赞到对人性恶的批判的变化过程,着重论述了铁凝对人类隐秘(嫉妒)心理的剖析和对女性生存丑恶化的揭示。

    Firstly , mainly describe the change from eulogizing the beautiful humanity to criticizing evil humanity , and discussing that tie ning have analysed jealous and promulgated despicable existence of the female sex .

  24. 诚信心理的深层剖析

    The Deep Anatomy about Honesty and Credibility on Psychology

  25. 高校特困大学生心理问题的剖析

    An Analysis of Psychological Problems of Poor College Students

  26. 对职业学院大学生的身体素质和心理素质进行剖析,并提出相应的改善措施。

    An analysis is made on the physical and psychological qualities of undergraduates at vocational colleges and some related measures for improvement are put forward .

  27. 第三部分为成因分析。分别从体制、社会文化、心理三方面剖析企业道德力缺失的根源。

    In the third part , the cause of absence of the ethical power in the enterprises is analyzed from system , social culture and psychology .

  28. 通过对人们在公共环境中的心理反应进行剖析,我们不难发现,熟悉的视觉较容易使人产生放松感;本土文化对市民的亲和力,能拉近广场与人之间的关系。

    According to analysis of the public psychology , we can find that a familiar vision makes people relax , and the native culture pulls the distance between people and place .

  29. 在对国内外内衣市场进行充分调查的基础上,对我国内衣市场的发展现状和现代消费者消费心理进行了剖析。

    Based on the full investigation to the domestic and overseas underwear market , this paper analysed the development situation of the underwear market in our country and the modern consumer psychology .

  30. 着重从社会转型、传统道德文化、学校和家庭教育、大学生的心理等方面剖析大学生诚信缺失的成因,阐明大学生诚信缺失的社会影响。

    It analyses the main causes and the social influence of undergraduates ' lack of honesty & credit from society transformation , traditional moral culture , education of family and school and undergraduates ' psychology .