
kǔ liàn
  • Bitter love;persistent unrequited love
  1. 他依然苦恋着旧情人。

    He is still carrying the torch for his old sweetheart .

  2. 因为我是警长而你是个陷入苦恋的教师

    Because I 'm sheriff , and you are a lovesick schoolteacher .

  3. 《太阳和人》,就是根据剧本《苦恋》拍摄的电影,我看了一下。

    I have seen the movie Sun and Man , which follows the script of Unrequited Love .

  4. 这部小说是根据一个真实的故事而写的,讲的是一个男人对一个著名女演员的苦恋。

    This novel is based on the real-life incident of a man 's obsession with the famous actress .

  5. 《苦恋》和那个青年诗人的讲话,为什么还有那么一些人支持?

    Why is it the unrequited love and the speech by the young poet have the support of some people ?

  6. 充满兴味地置身季节的变换比无望地苦恋春天更让人心情惬意。

    To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring .

  7. 《文艺报》要组织几篇评论《苦恋》和其他有关问题的质量高的文章。

    Wenyi Bao ( Literary Gazette ) should publish several articles of high quality to comment on both Unrequited Love and related problems .

  8. 无论是《苦恋》作品本身还是作品所引发的批判,都在整个文学史中具有重大意义,应该引起重视。

    Whether " bitter Love " or the critique that triggered by the script have great significance in the the history of Chinese literature .

  9. 一个暗红色的骨灰盒,装着你的一切回到了祖国,回到了苦恋着你的未婚夫身边。

    A dark red urn , which held everything of you , was taken back to me , your fianc é who loved you so deeply .

  10. 他的苦恋,是一种执著而崇高的追求,透露出诗人纯真的情操和对美好生活的信念。

    Dai 's bitter love reflects the poet 's pure emotion and happy belief in life , which is a kind of rigid and lofty pursuit .

  11. 小白曾苦恋一个男孩十年,她对爱情的执着使她很难认同留学生中因寂寞而相恋的感情。

    White was a boy ten years Unrequited Love , love , her dedication to her students is difficult to identify the feelings of falling in love because of loneliness .

  12. 执着于寻梦与苦恋的歌人读丁芒的诗随想执著人生、超然物外的生命范式从三个层面观照苏轼诗中的苦乐哲学

    Ding Mang : A Poet Persisting in Seeking Dreams and Bitter Love Persistent Life , Insular Living Pattern & An Analysis of the Bitter and Joyful Philosophy in Su Shi 's Poetry from Three Different Lays