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kǔ hǎi
  • abyss of misery;sea of bitterness;a sea of woes
苦海 [kǔ hǎi]
  • [abyss of misery;sea of bitterness] 佛教比喻苦难烦恼的世间,也比喻困苦的处境

  • 脱离苦海

苦海[kǔ hǎi]
  1. 佛,普渡众生,是要把人渡到苦海的彼岸。

    The Buddha purdue the whole person with hope to ferry them to the bank of abyss of misery .

  2. 马钰以佛教轮回说取代传统道教的承负说,认为世俗人生与社会是一片苦海,恩爱贪欲等是人之永遭轮回之苦的万恶根源。

    He replaced the Taoist theory of Chengfu with the Buddhist Transmigration , proposed that the secular life and society are the abyss of misery and that desires such as love and greed are the evil source of human misery of transmigration .

  3. 某天晚上,我听着她剧烈的咳嗽声,决心帮她脱离苦海。

    Hearing her coughing bitterly one night , I decided to pull her from it all .

  4. 虽然欧洲依然在经济危机的苦海里挣扎,但至少有一个欧洲之子仍在蓬勃发展,它就是德国大众汽车公司(Volkswagen)。

    As Europe wallows in economic doldrums , at least one native son is thriving .

  5. (FBI)干员抓获,然后被迫欺骗腐败的政治家。二人继续与干员、政治家目标以及自己的家人周旋,最终达成豁免协议,得以不受任何刑事指控就脱离苦海。

    The two continue to manipulate the FBI agent , their political targets , and their own family members , ultimately cutting an immunity deal that allows them to escape the ordeal without any criminal charges .

  6. 我恭喜他终于脱离苦海了。

    I congratulate him , he finally escaped from suffering sea .

  7. 视学如苦海,宁死不主动。

    Conducting such as suffering , would rather die than active .

  8. 现在是让你拖离苦海的时候了。

    It 's time to put the pain behind you .

  9. 只有驾着奋斗之舟,我才能在生活的苦海中幸存。

    Can I survive the sea of troubles of life .

  10. 我会带他脱离苦海

    and I would put him out of his misery .

  11. 还是拿起武器面对苦海

    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

  12. 你会拯救我脱离这个苦海吗?

    Will you not save me from this suffering ?

  13. 我们的大学是全世界的学生和学者们的苦海彼岸(最终目的地)。

    Our universities remain the ultimate destination for the world 's students and scholars .

  14. 我现在就打死她,才能够脱离我这个苦海。

    I 'll kill her now , and put an end to my misery .

  15. 为了探测苦海的深度。

    To test the deeps of suffering .

  16. 我渴望帮助所有的中国人走出聋哑英语的苦海!

    I 'm dying to help every Chinese get out the abyss of deaf-mute English !

  17. 苦海汞矿床是位于东昆仑造山带南带东段上的大型含金汞矿床。

    Kuhai gold-bearing mercury deposit is located in the southern orogenic belt of Eastern Kunlun .

  18. 邻里互助,人人互助帮助困难之人脱离苦海。

    neighbors helping neighbors , strangers helping strangers , and citizens reaching out for those in need .

  19. 一年四季衣不蔽体、食不果腹,在生活的苦海里挣扎。

    Clothing throughout the year not Biti , the hungry , in the life of Oliver , struggling .

  20. 陈教授说,停下来重新审视局势是脱离苦海的一个办法。

    One way to pull out of it is to stop and reexamine the data , says Chen .

  21. 她们不会有“等哪一天出现一个白马王子救我脱离苦海”的天真想法。

    They are not there " and the emergence of a Prince Charming to save my day misery " naive .

  22. 政府必须将意大利经济拖出深度衰退的苦海,并且应对巨额债务。

    The economy must be guided out of deep recession and there is a mountain of debt to be dealt with .

  23. 请从生苦海中提起我,并且将我如一颗原子放在祢的莲足下。

    Please pick me up from this ocean of death and place me as one of the atoms of Your lotus feet .

  24. 这些激情像飓风,反复地吹拂过深重的苦海,濒于绝境。

    These passions , in a wayward course , over a deep ocean of anguish , reaching to the very verge of despair .

  25. 坏消息是它无法将我和我的同行们从努力工作以求生计的苦海中解脱出来。

    The bad news is that it will probably not be able to free my colleagues or me entirely from the drudgery of working for a living .

  26. 越是两个年龄、背景相近的人,越容易陷入嫉妒的苦海,

    The closer two people are -- in age , in background , in the process of identification -- the more there 's a danger of envy ,

  27. 因此菩萨把修成佛果作为最高目标,以希求帮助有情众生脱离苦海。

    For that reason , out of compassion wishing to alleviate the sufferings of all sentient beings , bodhisattvas seek as their final goal the omniscient state of buddhahood .

  28. 也有很多中国学生因为遇到要求非常苛刻的老师或者与自己研究方向不吻合的老师而每天煎熬在学术苦海中。

    There are many Chinese students are very demanding requirements for experienced teachers or research do not fit with their teachers and suffering every day in the academic Oliver .

  29. 如果你深陷情感的苦海中,那就赶紧集中精力找到痛苦的根源,否则,它会慢慢侵蚀你的自制力。

    If you are stuck in a cycle of psychological pain , focus on getting to the source of your pain or else it will gradually erode your self-control .

  30. 艺术家喜爱发展,艺术创作喜爱反抗灾难,这毋宁是在黑暗苦海中反映的星光云影而已。

    Once again , we may see the artist 's buoyancy and creative joy as a luminous cloud shape reflected upon the dark surface of a lake of sorrow .