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  • 网络Suffering;dukkha
  1. 而他还在祝愿你在邪恶的地狱中苦受煎熬?

    And he 's wishing you 'd burn in unholy hell ?

  2. 但并非所有的茶都苦受着同样的命运。

    But not all tea has suffered the same fate .

  3. 琼苦受煎熬,渴望着回家再见家人。

    Jean ached with longing to return home and see her family again .

  4. 这时候,禅者通常会经历很多不同的苦受,它们不断在身中生起。

    At that time , the meditator will generally experience many different painful feelings arising in his body .

  5. 但是多年来,她的丈夫苦受精神疾病的折磨并于1963年自杀。

    But for many years , her husband suffered from mental illness and he killed himself in 1963 .

  6. 但如果禅者没有放弃用功而是坚定不移、连续不断地观照此苦受,此苦受不久就会完全寂止。

    But if , without abandoning the practice , that feeling of pain is firmly and continuously noticed , it will entirely cease before long .

  7. 此时,通常各种苦受会在他身体里显现,他也不愿意保持一个姿势很长时间。

    At that time , usually various painful feelings arise in his body , and also an unwillingness to remain long in one particular bodily posture .

  8. 对每一苦受观照,两次、三次或者更多次,禅者会看到它逐渐变弱并最终彻底灭去。

    On noticing the respective painful feeling repeatedly , twice , thrice or more , the meditator will see that it gradually grows less , and at last ceases entirely .

  9. 现在他的观智很强很明晰,凭借此观智坚定地观照一下,苦受甚至会立即灭去。

    Now his insight knowledge is quite strong and lucid , and by virtue of it even his painful feelings will at once cease as soon as they are firmly noticed .

  10. 因而对寒热风雨等天气的变化,以及疾病、捆缚、捶打等伤害,不应该太娇弱,以致不能忍受,如果内心脆弱不坚忍,伤害之苦受反而会增加。

    I should not be impatient with heat and cold , wind and rain , sickness , bondage and beatings ; for if I am , the harm they cause me will increase .

  11. 日常生活中,蛇咬蚊虻叮噬、饥饿、干渴等苦受,乃至于生疥疮等常见的病痛,难道我未曾尝过这些滋扰,而且已经习惯忍受了吗?

    Who has not seen this to be so with trifling sufferings such as the bites of snakes and insects , feelings of hunger and thirst and with such minor things as rashes ?

  12. 那时候他会一并克服苦受和不能保持一个姿势很长时间的烦恼以及觉得观智还不够清楚的想法。

    Then he will overcome the painful feelings and the restlessness in being unable to remain long in one particular posture , and also the idea that his insight knowledge is not yet clear enough .

  13. 她一生吃了许多苦,受了许多罪,这些都被她像掠头发一样一一掠开,但对儿女关爱的情肠却永远也掠不去。

    Her life has suffered by the many SINS , and these are her hair like the one , but as aside the children love to love bowel never taken not to go .

  14. 若你一点苦也不受,怎麽能得忍耐的赏报呢?

    How can your patience be rewarded if no adversity test it ?

  15. 我并不愿意你受的苦比我受的还大,希刺克厉夫。

    I 'm not wishing you greater torment than I have , Heathcliff .

  16. 她说不出话来,直到这阵激动过去,才又接着说,稍微温和一些了。我并不愿意你受的苦比我受的还大,希刺克厉夫。

    She said nothing further till the paroxysm was over ; then she continued , more kindly & ` I 'm not wishing you greater torment than I have , Heathcliff .

  17. 天主教的教义对她只是一套清规戒律罢了。无有众苦,但受诸乐&从《受戒》看汪曾祺的佛教文化意识

    The Catholic dogma was to her nothing more than a set of rules . " No People have Suffered , but All are Living Happily "── Buddhist Cultural Awareness of Wang Zeng-qi from Initiated into Monkhood

  18. 为了实现对她的承诺,有多苦我都可以受得了。

    For realizing to her commitment , have many bitter I can suffer .

  19. 龙胆苦苷在健康受试者尿中的药代动力学

    Urine pharmacokinetics of gentiopicroside in healthy volunteers