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  1. 极大的射电流量同极小的角经集于一身,意味着这些发射源有难以置信的高表面亮度。

    The combination of very large radio flux and exceedingly small angular size means that the sources have a fantastic surface brightness .

  2. 以出身自傲、以财富自傲、以家族自傲,看不起自己的亲友,这种人是毁灭的原因。《经集》(佛教)

    The man who proud of his birth , of his wealth , and of his family , despises his relatives , - that is the cause to the losing .

  3. 但是随着递归IDB(IntensionalDatabase)谓词的项的个数增大,经魔集转换的逻辑程序为寻找与查询相关数据而产生附加元组的开销也会增大。

    However , in search of the relevant data , the cost of generating additional tuples produced by logic program to which magic transformation is applied increases with the arity of IDB ( Intensional DataBase ) predicates increasing .

  4. 经对集落大小、所含细胞数及密度进行比较,说明CFU&F是非均质的,可能因存在不同的亚群。

    Analysis on the size , number and density of the colonies demonstrated that the CFU-F thus formed were nonhomogenous , and might be heterogeneous subgroups .

  5. 试验证实经热集料碾压后铺装结构的防水效果完好,达到了桥面防水的预期目的。

    Furthermore , experiment proves that the polymer film on bridge deck can remain perfect after compaction of hot asphalt mixture on it , which achieves the desired goal of bridge waterproofing .

  6. 《揅经室外集》是目录学史上一部重要的著作,文章由分析《外集》的成书,论述了阮元在《外集》中所起的主导作用;

    I point out the leading role played by Ruan Yuan in the edition and systematically analyze the abstract style inherited from SiKuQuanShu and the reason why it is better than that of SiKuQuanShu .

  7. 作为其构成的粗糙概念及粗糙概念之间关系分别由精确概念及精确概念之间关系经粗糙集方法中的上近似集和下近似集的处理获得。

    As the basic part of rough ontology , rough concepts and rough relations between them are obtained from the precise concepts and precise concept relations between them respectively combining with upper approximation set and lower approximation set in the rough set theory .

  8. 经粒巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)和白细胞介素4(IL-4)体外培养HBV转基因小鼠脾DC,通过ELISA法检测DC分泌IL12以及刺激混合淋巴细胞反应T淋巴细胞分泌IL-10、IFN-γ的含量。

    Spleen monocyte-derived DC in HBV transgenic mice were cultured with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor ( GM-CSF ) and interleukin-4 ( IL-4 ) . IL-12 released by DCs and IL-10 and IFN-y produced by T cells in mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ) were measured by ELISA .

  9. 因此,《内经》可谓集中国古脉法之大成。

    Therefore , " classic " Chinese ancient pulse method is set the tales .

  10. 经粒细胞集落刺激因子动员的正常供者自发性脾破裂一例&附文献复习

    Spontaneous splenic rupture in a healthy peripheral blood stem cell donor on G-CSF mobilization & a case report and literature review

  11. 对于神仙类的研究应该从历史文献中梳理与宗教相关的史料中发掘,我国传统史料经史子集四部图书数量众多,但神仙类的史料散列分布,给相关研究增加了难度。

    For the fairy class should be combed from the historical literature and religion-related historical materials in the excavation , A large number of our traditional historical data by the history of a subset of four books . But the immortal class historical hash distribution , Difficult to research .

  12. 从目前残存的三十卷来看,该书的取材遍及经、史、集三部文献,尤其以史部和集部为多。

    From a point of the survival thirty volumes , the book based on a wide range , including the documents of classics , history , collection , especially history and collection .

  13. 随着时代的发展,动画己经成为一门集文学、电影、摄影、音乐、绘画为一体的综合艺术。现代动画的发展与科技的发展是紧密相连的,相互影响。

    With the development of our times , the animation have been the comprehensive art which contain the literature , film , photography , music and painting . The development of modern animation and the development of technology is closely linked to each other and influence to each other .