
  • 网络economic law system
  1. 关于经济法体系问题的新探

    New Study on Questions of the Economic Law System

  2. 对我国经济法体系的检讨与重构

    A Study of Economic Law System in China

  3. 加入WTO之后,如何来构建中国的经济法体系、走法制经济之路。

    After our entry WTO , how should we build China 's economic legal system and develop economy by law ?

  4. 对经济法体系的结构分析,可以有多种路径。

    There are manifold ways in analysing the configuration of economy law .

  5. 国家在经济法体系中的地位

    Position of the State in the System of Economic Law

  6. 经济法体系问题的结构分析

    The Configuration Analyse on the Problem of the System of Economy Law

  7. 经济法体系建设应充分关注国际性资源与本土资源

    Inspiration of International and Native Resources to China 's Systematic Construction of Economic Laws

  8. 在经济法体系中,产业法应居于主导地位。

    In the economic law system , industrial law should take the leading position .

  9. 反垄断法是经济法体系中最为重要的一个部门法,其根本目的是为了保护竞争的公平性,规制垄断行为。

    Anti-Monopoly Law is the most important sectors , and its basic purpose is to protect fair competition , regulate monopoly .

  10. 国家投资经营法具有自己相对独立的调整对象和调整方法,与市场规制法、宏观调控法具有相同的地位,是经济法体系的独立组成部分。

    It is given equal status with market control law and macro-regulation law . They are three independent parts of economic law system .

  11. 经济法体系如何确立,直接关系到人们对于经济法的直观认识,间接反映了该学科的发展水平。

    How the Economic law system is established not only directly relates to people 's cognition to the Economic law , but also indirectly reflects the developmental level of this subject .

  12. 但是,境外直接投资法有其特殊的价值取向,这种价值取向的特殊性是由境外直接投资法在经济法体系中的特殊本质决定的。

    However , foreign direct investment law has its special values , and such specific values are decided by the special nature of the foreign direct investment law in economic law system .

  13. 宏观调控法是经济法体系的一大支柱和研究热点,法学界对于宏观调控法律手段进行研究的学者大有人在,并且也取得了比较丰硕的研究成果。

    Macro-control law is a pillar of economic law system and the research focus . In the legal science , there are many scholars study macro-control law means , and have made great achievements .

  14. 市场规制法律制度和宏观调控法律制度是经济法体系的两大基本构成部分,经济法的价值在这两大法律制度中都有充分的体现。

    The legal regulations of market regulation and the legal system of macroscopic management are the two fundamental parts of the economic law system , in which the value of economic law is fully embodied .

  15. 文章主要探究了这两种公权干预的质的规定性,并在此基础上对经济法体系中几个有争议问题作了一点探讨。

    The article mostly probes into the qualitative difference of two kinds of public right intervention , on this base , it also discusses some disputed problems existing in the system of the economic law .

  16. 从这一理念出发,我们可以在现行经济法体系中抽象出虚拟经济法的概念。而目前的恶化现象非常严重,根本没法用经济放缓来解释。

    Departing from this notion , we can take out the concept of fictitious economic law out of the body of present economic law . The current deterioration far exceeds that justified or explained by the slowdown .

  17. 再从立法理念、调整对象、价值取向、基本原则、实施机关和实施程序等五个方面,分析论证两法之间存在的本质差异,并由此证明社会保障法不是从属于经济法体系的法律。

    And then , we argue that basic divergence does exist in both laws and the social security law is not a sub-category of economic law system through the close examination of legislative idea , regulating object , value orientation , basic principles , executive agencies and implementing procedures .

  18. WTO规则对我国经济法规范体系的影响是直接的、全方位的。

    WTO rule is direct , omni-directional to the influence of standardizing the system of economic law of our country .

  19. 经济法责任体系的二元结构及二重性

    Dualistic Structure and Dual Nature of the Responsibility System of Economic Law

  20. 和谐社会背景下经济法主体体系的重构

    Reconstruct the Economic Law Corpus System under the Background of Harmonious Social

  21. 调整对象的独特性,决定了中国少数民族经济法的体系的独特性。

    The special regulating object determins the speciality of China 's ethnic economic law .

  22. 国际经济法教科书体系的反思与重构&一种跨国经济公法的思路

    Reflection on and Reconstruction of International Economic Law Textbook System & A Public Transnational Economic Law Approach

  23. 本文把经济法的体系分为微观的经济法和宏观的经济法。

    This article divides the system of economic law into the microscopic economic law and the macroscopic economic law .

  24. 详细论述了包括秩序、正义、主权、安全、自由、效率等价值目标在内的国际经济法价值体系,以及各目标被纳入体系的原因。

    The author discusses the value objectives respectively , which include the order , the justice , the sovereignty , the security , the freedom and the efficiency etc.

  25. 中韩两国的各种经济法立法体系和制度内容显然不可能完全类似,不过在解决社会方法及其法理基础上,两国却相当类似。

    The two countries have different economic legal systems and institutional contents respectively , but they have similar social problems to solve , legal theory bases , and main institutions .

  26. 公共经济法的体系主要由财政法、中央银行法(部分)、国有企业法、产业政策法(部分)等组成。

    The public economic law system is mainly made up of public finance law , central bank law ( part ), state-owned enterprises law , industrial policy law ( part ), etc.

  27. 宏观、微观经济法理论及体系完善

    Theories and Systems of Macroeconomic Law and Microeconomic Law

  28. 经济法作为法学体系中的分支学科,其传统的教学方法具有一定的局限性。

    Economic law is one of the subdisciplines of the system of jurisprudence and the traditional teaching method has some limitation .

  29. 以经济法的基本体系为依托,从市场主体、市场秩序、宏观调控和社会保障几个方面对西部开发中的经济法运作进行初步探讨。

    Based on the system of economic law , the study is conducted in respect of market subject , marketing order , macroeconomic control and social security .

  30. 一是该定义从六个不同的分析视角构筑了经济调制法的体系:(1)宏观经济调控法与微观经济规制法;

    One is this definition has constructed the economic regulation law system from six different analysis angles of view : ( 1 ) macroeconomic regulation law and microeconomic regulation law ;