
jīnɡ wén
  • scripture;prayer;religious scripture;classical text
经文 [jīng wén]
  • [text of Confucian classics or religious scriptures] 经书或宗教典籍的正文

  1. 今天朗读的经文选自《但以理书》。

    The reading today is from the Book of Daniel .

  2. 尼古拉·贾德牧师选读了经文。

    The Rev . Nicola Judd read the lesson .

  3. 圣经中有许多经文间接地提到这样的概念。

    Many passages in Scripture allude to this concept .

  4. 你可在《圣经》某处找到这段经文。

    You will find the text anywhere in the Bible .

  5. 他们援引印度教的经文为他们的立场辩护。

    They invoked Hindu scripture to justify their position .

  6. 慈运理坚持,圣经经文教导主的晚餐只是一个记号(sign),要赋予它更多的意义,就侵犯了圣礼的本质。

    Zwingli insisted that the biblical text taught that the Lord 's Supper was a sign , and that to make it something more violated the nature of the sacrament .

  7. 这里的经文还用了“Plainly明显地”这个词,来告诉我们当你看到周围的万物,就很清楚地知道有一位神的存在。

    It even uses the word " plainly " to show us that when you look around at creation it is clear there is a God .

  8. 阿民念认为清楚和重要的经文教导:神的爱,普世的恩典,以及人类绝对的自由意志(libertarianfreewill)是居于首位的(比其他的属性更重要)。

    Arminians think that the clear and important passages teach the primacy of God 's love ( over other attributes ), the universality of grace , and the libertarian free will of human beings .

  9. 他对经文中名词l术语的翻译采用音译加上意译的组合的形式,值得肯定和称赞。

    B. He translates the terms in the text by means of the combination of transliteration and free translation which deserves affirmation and praise .

  10. 包括中国历代净土大师著述,亦有在家律、龙树菩萨著作等其它内容,经文大多取自CBETA,不少经文为压缩档,网站为简体字。

    A no-frills simplified Chinese stop for works of Chinese Pure Land masters , Nagarjuna , etc. , most texts are from CBETA , files often zipped .

  11. 用historia这个词,他们通常是指叙事阅读:,把经文当做故事来读的话,不管它是否发生过。

    By historia in this sense , they usually mean the narrative reading : if you were to read this text as a story , regardless of whether it ever happened .

  12. 其次,经文告诉我们,祂学会了顺服(8节)。

    Secondly we are told he learned obedience ( v.8 ) .

  13. 用这段经文作敬拜赞美。

    Use the passage as a basis for worship and praise .

  14. 毫无疑问,十几段经文就够他受的了。

    A dozen would strain his capacity , without a doubt .

  15. 任何方式的解读经文都是解经。

    Any kind of interpretation of a text is exegesis .

  16. 此段经文中神行了那些奇妙的事?

    What wonderful things have God done in these paragraphs ?

  17. 就是主教也要服从经文的字面意思。

    Even the bishop must submit to the literal sense of scripture .

  18. 印造经文,创修寺院。

    Reproduce and distribute scriptures , build and repair temples .

  19. 然后拿着笔,准备好纸张,再读经文。

    Then reread it with paper and pencil in hand .

  20. 这位愤怒青年的发言占据了六章经文,总共165节。

    What did this angry young man say in six chapters-165 verses ?

  21. 对这些激进改革者来说唯一的权威就是经文。

    The only authority for the radical reformers was scripture .

  22. 我们今天所读的经文,正是这个故事的核心。

    The verses we have read are the heart of the story .

  23. 单是在本章,提及约柜的经文已不下十次。

    It is mentioned no less than ten times in this chapter .

  24. 从来没有人能把一段经文讲解得这么玄妙深奥。

    Never has a text been expounded with more complexity .

  25. 让我们再看看这节引人注意的经文中的用词。

    Let 's look again at the words of this remarkable verse .

  26. 我们将会在今、明两天细看这几节经文。

    We will spend two days looking at these verses .

  27. 请以今晚的经文作为上帝给你的信息。

    Brethren , take the text as God 's message to you .

  28. 在以赛亚书这段经文中,神发出一个非常慷慨的邀请。

    Here in Isaiah God issues a very gracious invitation .

  29. 思考你正读的经文。

    Think about what you are reading from the Bible .

  30. 那是什么阻止了异教徒用错误的方式解读经文呢?

    So what keeps heretics from interpreting this text in false ways ?