
  • 网络history of buddhism;Buddhist History
  1. 其成就主要在史学,可分为佛家哲学和佛教史、礼俗风俗史、唐宋史和民族社会历史调查研究四个方面。

    His achievements were mainly in historiography , and could be broken up into four aspects : Buddha philosophy and history of Buddhism , history of Chinese etiquette and custom , history of the Tang and Song Dynasties , and investigation and study of history of national society .

  2. 本文对经幢的内客及雕刻艺术进行介绍和评价,指出经幢对研究大理国史、佛教史、艺术的历史价值。

    This paper introduces and comments on the contents and artistic carving of the pillars and points out their historical values in studies on history of Dali Kingdom , on history of Buddhism , and on arts .

  3. 慧远是中国佛教史乃至中国思想史上的重要人物。

    Huiyuan is an important figure in the history of Chinese Buddhism and Chinese thought .

  4. 论中国佛教史上的梁唐之异与南北之殊

    On the Difference of Buddhist Theory between Southern and Northern Dynasty and Its Evolution from Southern-Northern Dynasty to Tang Dynasty

  5. 区域宗教文化研究的重要成果&评王路平先生新著《贵州佛教史》

    An Important Achievement in Cultural Research of Regional Religion & A Comment on a new Book " Buddihism History in Guizhou " of Mr. Wang Luping ;

  6. 僧人作诗,无论在佛教史上还是在中国文学史上都是令人瞩目的事情,它是佛教中国化的显著标志。

    Monks ' poetry , whether in Buddhism or the history of Chinese literary is remarkable things , and it is a significant sign on Buddhism in China .

  7. 而“自度”(“真度”)说,不啻宣告“他佛”的“死亡”,这在中国佛教史、思想史与美学史上具有重要意义。

    Saving-oneself theory declares the " death " of the " other Buddhist ", and this is of great significance in Chinese Buddhist history , ideological history and aesthetic history .

  8. 这只铁狮是我国早期最大的铁铸珍品,对研究古代冶金、雕塑及佛教史等,均有较高的价值。

    The lion is the largest cast animal in the early history of China , and is of great value for research into ancient Chinese metallurgy , sculpture and Buddhist history .

  9. 而以显灵于灵岩山寺的西土智积菩萨为开山师,在中国佛教史上也是极为罕见的。

    Besides , it is unusual that Zhiji bodhisattva from Westland , who showed his power in this place , was honored as a founder in the history of Chinese Buddhism .

  10. 宗密禅师是唐中后期最著名的僧人之一,在中国佛教史和中国哲学史上都产生过重要影响。

    Zen master Zong Mi , as one of the most famous monks in the late Tang Dynasty , has influenced the history of Chinese Buddhism and the history of Chinese philosophy .

  11. 道安也是中国佛教史上著名的佛教学者和东晋时期佛教领袖,对中国佛教的发展及后来佛教僧团的规范起到了奠基作用。

    Danan is a famous Chinese Buddhist scholar and Buddhist leader in the history of Chinese Buddhism who play a foundation role that on the development of Chinese Buddhism and effect Buddhist Sangha norms on later .

  12. 学术专题研究涉及中外关系史、民族史、艺术史、佛教史、考古学、环境文化学、技术研究等不同领域。

    Special studies covered various fields such as the history of the Sino foreign relationship , the history of peoples , the history of art , the history of Buddhism , archeology , environmental culturology and protection technology .

  13. 隋唐时期的关中是中国华严思想(乃至世界华严思想)的首要重镇和鼎盛区域,在中国佛教史乃至思想史中占据重要地位。

    The Huayan thought in Guanzhong area ( and even in the world , the first thought ) was flourishing during Sui and Tang Dynasties in China , meanwhile it occupies an important place in the history of ideas in the Chinese Buddhist .

  14. 三武一宗的灭佛是中国古代史、佛教史上的重大历史事件,也是世界古代中世纪史及佛教史上的重大历史事件。

    The Extermination of Buddhism by four emperors is the important and great event in the ancient history of China and the Chinese Buddhistic history , but also the same ones in the ancient and medieval history of the world and the ecumenical Buddhistic history .

  15. 《大唐西域记》是记载印度佛教史的重要文献,对于今人研究印度古代历史具有重大意义。

    " Pilgrimage to the West in the Tang Dynasty " is an important document to record the history of Indian Buddhism . It is of great significance for people today to study the ancient history of India . " Buddhist Records " depicts a special image & Dragon image .

  16. 最后简单介绍了《解深密经》在佛教发展史上的历史地位。

    At last , the author simply introduces the position of Sandhinirmocanavyuhasutra in the history of Buddhism .

  17. 在佛教思想史上,他是一位大师,具有承前启后的作用。

    In the history of Buddhist thought , he is a master , serving as a link between past and future .

  18. 克孜尔石窟壁画研究是西域美术史和中国佛教美术史的基础课题之一。

    The study of Kizil grotto fresco is one of the basic subjects of fine arts history of Chinese western region & Buddhism .

  19. 中国佛教发展史上,净土法门逐渐融合各宗思想而成为中国佛教的主流。

    In the history of Chinese Buddhism , the teachings of the Pure Land School gradually became the mainstream of all Chinese Buddhist schools .

  20. 鸠摩罗什作为我国佛教文化史上一位影响深远的历史人物,为佛教的中国化做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    Kum ā raj ī va in a far-reaching historical figures buddhist culture in the history of our country , he made an indelible contribution to the buddhism in China .

  21. 他们的这一工作在三个层面展开,一是现代新儒家的佛教哲学史研究,这种整理工作是他们得以在更高层次上运用和消化传统佛学资源的基本前提。

    The study of Contemporary Neo-Confucianists begins from 3 aspects . First , they study the history of Buddhism , which construct the base for them to use and digest Buddhism in high level .

  22. 聂云台《保富法》成书于新中国解放前夕,是中国佛教哲学史上一部重要学术著作。

    " Law of Retaining Wealth " was written by Yun-tai Nie on the eve of the liberation of New China , which is an important academic works in the history of Chinese Buddhism philosophy .

  23. 本文结合西域历史和佛教发展史对西域石窟寺中音乐造型的来源、属性、功能和乐器形制等方面进行综合探讨。

    This paper , combining with the history of the Western Regions and the development history of Buddhism , gives an overall discussion on the origin , attribute , function and shape and structure of musical instruments in the cave temples of the Western Regions .

  24. 元代浙江与日本的佛教文化交流史

    The Intercourse between Zhejiang and Japan on Buddhism Culture in the Yuan Dynasty

  25. 中国佛教地理研究史藉述评

    On the study of Chinese Buddhistical geography

  26. 这些思想在中国佛教伦理思想史上有着不同层次的影响,对于当代中国的道德建设也有一定的启发意义。

    These thoughts have great influence in Chinese Buddhist ethics and will enlighten moral construction in contemporary China .

  27. 他开拓了佛教寺院经济史研究的新领域,也是魏晋南北朝兵制史研究的开创者之一。

    He opens up a new area of economic research in Buddhist temples , but also one of the pioneers of the history of military system of Wei Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties .

  28. 二程的佛教观及其思想史意义

    What Buddhism means to Cheng Brothers : From the Perspective of Intellectual History

  29. 中国佛教是中国思想史上死亡理论最丰富的学说体系。

    Chinese Buddhism , focusing on death , offers the richest theory of death in Chinese history of ideology .

  30. 唐宋穆斯林史实杂考试论宋代佛教史籍在唐史研究上的重要价值

    Study on some history materials about Muslim during the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty The Value of Buddhist Historiography in Song Dynasty on the Research of Tang Dynasty