
tónɡ zhōnɡ
  • Bronze bell;copper bell
  1. 那天黄昏时分,他坐在河神台上,对着那座铜钟呆了老半天。

    The dusk witnessed his long stay at the altar in face of that copper bell .

  2. 其中铜钟上刻有汉字“嘉靖十四年乙未四月日”。这个铜零件被认为是两个钟的零件,这两个水钟分别制造于1438年和1536年,放置在皇家宫殿里。

    The cultural relics of either of two water clocks , each created in 1438 and 1536 and installed at royal palaces .

  3. 杰米卸下了塔上的铜钟

    Jamie ... removed the bronze bell from the tower

  4. 圣·戈登斯摇晃的内战浮雕上肖上校和他的铜钟脸颊的黑人团,

    and his bell-cheeked Negro infantry on St. Gaudens ' shaking Civil War relief ,

  5. 她正敲着铜钟。

    She was clanging the brass bell .

  6. 当一名侍者开始敲击酒吧外侧一个露台上的巨大铜钟时,所有的眼睛都转向了落日。

    When one of the waiters begins to stroke the large brass bell situated just outside the bar on one of the outdoor patios , all eyes turn toward the sunset .

  7. 这样,整体的音调似乎在细致地波动,就像一些铜钟被撞击之后所发出的美妙声音。

    Sometimes the overall pitch seemed to go slightly up and down , somewhat the way the pitch of certain bells seems to rise and fall after they have been struck .

  8. 另一种黑暗同祥在稳定地积聚着。那时在全法兰西的尖塔上发出欢声的铜钟将会被熔铸为发出雷鸣的大炮。

    Another darkness was closing in as surely , when the church bells , then ringing pleasantly in many an airy steeple over France , should be melted into thundering cannon ;

  9. 《日咒》(1996)是模仿中国古代乐器编钟,不过那些分层排列的铜钟被木制夜壶代替。

    For " Daily Incantations " ( 1996 ) , he created what resembles a bianzhong , an ancient Chinese musical instrument with bronze bells , except wooden chamber pots replace the typical graduated arrangement of bells .