
shè lì
  • Buddhist relics;sarīra
舍利 [shè lì]
  • [梵sarīra;Buddhist relics] 又作舍利子。意为尸体或身骨,佛教称释迦牟尼遗体火焚后结成的珠状物。后来也指高僧火化剩下的骨烬

舍利[shè lì]
  1. 经鉴定,石函、鎏金银棺、舍利金瓶为国家一级文物,舍利碑刻、玻璃瓶为国家三级文物。

    After appraisal , Shi Han , fine gold money coffin , Buddhist relics golden vase for national first-level cultural relic , Buddhist relics stele carving , glass jar for national third-level cultural relic .

  2. 永佑寺舍利塔又称六和塔

    Eisuke Temple stupa also known as the Pagoda of Six Harmonies .

  3. ADG模板支架在法门寺合十舍利塔工程中的应用

    On ADG formwork support in project of Dagoba of Famen temple

  4. 这个舍利塔不同于以往我们所见过宝塔的样子。

    A dagoba differs from the more well-known pagoda in shape .

  5. 在这一年里,舍利仍不断长大。

    Over the past year , the relics have grown bigger .

  6. 法门寺合十舍利塔工程钢结构吊装设备选型

    Lifting equipment selection of steel structure in Famen temple project

  7. 法门寺合十舍利塔施工关键技术研究

    Study on Construction Technology of Palms-together Dagoba in Famen Temple

  8. 法门寺合十舍利塔施工过程模拟与实测分析

    Construction process simulation and actual analysis of palms together Dagoba in Famen Temple

  9. 舍利子,是诸法空相。

    Shariputra , all Dharmas are empty of characteristics .

  10. 试析南京栖霞寺舍利塔装饰设计的特点与风格

    On the characteristics and style of design and decoration of stupas in Qixia Temple

  11. 法门寺合十舍利塔钢骨结构负温焊接工艺

    Welding Technology of Steel Structure at Negative Temperature in Palms-holding Dagoba for Famen Temple

  12. 是什么?佛陀舍利。

    What is it ? Buddha Sarira .

  13. 中国政治哲学中带有明显的儒法合流倾向,主张德刑兼备,取义舍利,忠君重民。

    It is with clearly confluent trend of Confucianism and the ideology of Legalists in Chinese political philosophy .

  14. 1956年前,寺院内还供奉唐代高僧玄奘法师的舍利。寺庙后院的灵塔,存放着这位高僧的遗骨。

    Before 1956 , the temple had a repository for a relic of Monk Xuan Zhuang of Tang .

  15. 唐代舍利信仰深入社会各界,形成了一个庞大的信仰群体。

    The faith of Buddha relic reach out all the groups , form a large group of believers .

  16. 全世界佛教徒都承认这是释迦牟尼佛仅存世上的两颗真身牙舍利。

    The whole world Buddhists have admitted that Sakyamuni is only exist on the two body tooth relic .

  17. 北方以京城为中心,向东北方向辐射,洛阳、太原一带舍利的分布也较为密集。

    In Northern , the capital as the center , radiated to Northeaster , Luoyang and Taiyuan are relatively dense zone .

  18. 作为葬具的佛舍利是佛教与其他宗教区别的重要特征,是佛具体化的表现。

    The relics of the Buddha as the burial is an important feature of Buddhism , which differs from other religion .

  19. 在节日期间,数以百计的大象被盛装打扮,向佛祖的佛牙舍利表示敬意,它们会连续十个晚上在城内巡行。

    Hundreds of elephants are dressed up in honour of Buddha 's tooth relic and paraded around the city for ten nights .

  20. 以我国现行的消防技术规范为指导,全面介绍了法门寺合十舍利塔工程的消防设计。

    Guided by the current national fire codes , the fire protection design of palms together Dagoba in Famen temple was introduced .

  21. 从舍利塔上的莲花、植物纹样、造像铭和小佛像几个方面看,应属晚唐五代的装饰造像风格。

    This essay explains the characteristics and style of stupas in the design of lotus , plants , sculpture inscription and small sculptures .

  22. 皇姑区政府同时改造舍利塔周边环境,恢复塔寺原始风貌,重现盛京八景之一“塔湾夕照”。

    In the mean time , District Government of Huanggu will engage in improving the surroundings to restore the original environment of Dagoba .

  23. 法门寺合十舍利塔型钢混凝土倾斜结构模架工程施工技术长春经济开发区体育场塔柱-拉索-大跨度钢管桁架结构设计研究

    Template Engineering Construction Technique of Shape Steel Concrete Incline Structure in Famen Temple Dagoba Design and research of structural system of tower-cable-pipe truss

  24. 随着时间的推移,在中国,佛舍利的范围逐渐扩大,德行较高的僧人死后火化的遗骨也称为舍利。

    With the passage of time , the scope of relic gradually expanded , the remains of a higher moral monk we also called relic .

  25. 但随着舍利信仰的需要,在中国出现了一些舍利的代替品,这类舍利的出现颇具有神异的特征。

    However , along with the need for the faith of Buddha relic in China , there have been some substitutes , which appeared magically .

  26. 不仅如此,由于佛舍利的数量有限,出于广布佛法的需要,还出现了舍利的代替品。

    As a result of the limited number of Buddha relic and the widespread needs of Buddhism , the substitutes of Buddha relic have appeared .

  27. 潘舍利在塔利班颠覆后迅速控制了喀布尔,而它将对国防部的其他任命。

    The Panjshiries who took control of Kabul immediately after the fall of the Taliban will be watching other appointments of the Ministry of defense closely .

  28. 兴建佛塔本来目的是为安置佛陀的舍利子,因而佛塔是佛陀证悟意的表征。

    Originally , stupas were built to enshrine the relics of the Buddha , and they serve as symbolic representations of the Buddha 's enlightened mind .

  29. 该文比较系统地阐述了舍利文化及其与枯艺盆景的关系,并首次提出枯艺盆景的概念。

    Sarira culture and its relationship with deadwood bonsai , the concept of which is introduced for the first time , are expatiated in the paper .

  30. 届时,游客将有机会朝拜珍贵的佛教文物(舍利等),参加宗教仪式,并体验寺院生活。

    Tourists will have a chance to admire the precious Buddhist relics , attend religious rituals and experience a monk 's life in pagodas , she said .