
  • 网络Fozi Ridge;AAAA
  1. REE和微量元素特征显示肥西地区中生代砂岩物源主要为佛子岭群和卢镇关群,大别杂岩的影响比较局限,更没有来自华北克拉通的物质。

    The data of REE and trace elements indicate that the source rocks were mainly composed of Fuziling and Luzhengguan Groups , limited for Dabie complex and no Huabei Landmass matter .

  2. 佛子岭连拱坝运行的最不利因素分析

    The Most Unfavourable Factor for A Multiple Arch Dam in Work

  3. 佛子岭岩群中的晋宁期深成岩带及其构造含意

    Jinningian Plutonic Belt in the Foziling Group and Its Tectonic Implication

  4. 对佛子岭地区1954年以来的地震活动的几点补充

    Some supplementary data to the seismic activities since 1954 induced by Foziling reservoir - reply

  5. 经比选佛子岭大坝加固采用钢纤维混凝土新材料。

    The steel fiber concrete is used to strengthening the dam through more schemes comparison .

  6. 钢纤维混凝土在佛子岭水库大坝加固(设计)中的应用

    The Application of Steel Fiber Concrete in Reinforcing ( Design ) the Dam of Fu-zi-ling Reservoir

  7. 大别山北部佛子岭群变碎屑岩主要由板岩、千枚岩和云母石英片岩等所组成。

    Foziling Group in the Dabie Mountains is composed of slate , phyllite , mica quartz schist , etc.

  8. 大别山北麓佛子岭群的特征及其形成的大地构造环境

    The characteristics of Foziling group and the geotectonic environment of its formation in the northern foot of the Dabie Mountain

  9. 辽宁义县地区太古宙变质深成岩佛子岭岩群中的晋宁期深成岩带及其构造含意

    ARCHEAN METAMORPHIC PLUTONIC ROCKS IN YIXIAN COUNTY , LIAONING PROVINCE Jinningian Plutonic Belt in the Foziling Group and Its Tectonic Implication

  10. 佛子岭连拱坝13号垛位移确定性模型及统计模型的预报效应研究

    Forecast effect research of the deterministic model and statistical model of the displacement on # 13 buttress of Fu-iling multiple arch dam

  11. 大别山北部的变质复理石推覆体属华北大陆板块南部的盖层推覆体,主要包括佛子岭群和卢镇关群。

    The meta flysch nappe in the north part of the Dabie Mountains is composed of the Foziling Group and Luzhenguan Group .

  12. 北淮阳构造带位于大别造山带北缘,其中东段安徽境内变质构造地层佛子岭岩群对北淮阳带区域构造研究至关重要。

    This paper briefly introduced the current research situation of stratigraphy , tectonics , magmatic rocks and other geological aspects as well as some major geological issues in the North Huaiyang area .

  13. 碳同位素组成的明显差别表明现今大别地块佛子岭群和高压、超高压变质岩不是合肥盆地南缘侏罗系大理岩砾石的来源区。

    The marked difference in carbon isotope composition between the marble conglomerates and the marbles indicates that the rocks in Dabie block can not be the provenance area for the Jurassic marble conglomerates .

  14. 本文根据佛子岭连拱坝加强拱的拱冠拱端接触缝的实测资料,应用结构力学、夹层有限元、水工专业和数理统计等有关理论,研究分析了加强拱接触缝的实际工作状态。

    Based on the observed data of the contact cracks at the crown and abutment of the reinforcement and using the theories of structural mechanics , layer finite element , hydraulic structure and mathematical statistics , the actual working state of the contact cracks is studied .