
  1. 非繁殖期的鸳鸯成小群活动,眼前这群共24只鸳鸯,几乎占到了在宝峰湖越冬鸳鸯数量的一半。

    In non-breeding seasons , the mandarin ducks swim in small groups.The24 ones shown in this picture almost count half of all the overwintering mandarin ducks at Baofeng Lake .

  2. 武陵源历史风景区由张家界国家森林公园,天子山,宝峰湖,和索溪峪四个景点组成。

    The Wulinyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area is made up of the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park , the Tianzishan mountain ranges , Bao Feng Hu and the Suoxi Valley .

  3. 驾船员黎英说她喜欢冬季。她说,相对高度85米的宝峰湖“空气清新些”。

    Li Ying , one of the crew members , says that she is fond of winter ," the air gets fresher around Baofeng Lake , which has a relative altitude of85 meters " .

  4. 他们让化妆师给他们的身体涂上蓝色,并在多个地点进行拍摄,比如宝峰湖和南天柱,这些地方都给《阿凡达》这部电影带来了灵感。

    The pair got their accompanying make-upartists to paint them in blue and them posed in various locations around thearea , including Baofeng Lake and the South Pillar of Heaven rock which wereamong the inspirations for the film .