
  1. 当地动处各有五百亿宝花。一一宝花庄严高显。如极乐世界。

    Wherever the earth trembles , five hundred kotis of jewelled flowers appear , each as beautiful and brilliant as a flower in the Land of Utmost Bliss .

  2. 通过采取控制水分、温度、光照或喷施药物等措施,进行宝巾花花期调控技术的研究。

    The flower period control techniques of Bougainvillea spp. were studied by adopting a series of measures such as controlling water , temperature , light or spraying chemicals .

  3. 一一观之作七重行树想。一一树高八千由旬。其诸宝树七宝花叶无不具足。

    Visualize each one and then form an image of seven rows of trees , each being eight thousand yojanas high and adorned with seven-jewelled blossoms and leaves .