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  1. 而健身宝大、中剂量组与正常对照组相比较,小鼠血清中SOD、IL-2活性显著升高,MDA、IL-6含量显著降低,与衰老模型组相比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Results the activity of SOD and IL-2 was lower and the content of MDA and IL-6 was higher in aged model group than that in control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 支付宝大获成功,因此苹果面对着一个强大的竞争对手,或是一个处于主导地位的合作伙伴。

    With Alipay 's success , Apple faces a strong competitor , or a possible dominant partner .

  3. 得宝豪华大桶装完美介绍乐高'得宝'的建设和玩!

    A perfect introduction to LEGO'DUPLO'building and play !

  4. 但愿今晚我们都能明白并感受宝血的大能!

    O that the power of the blood might be known , and felt in us this night !

  5. 求你继续引导我们,在生活中倚靠宝血的大能,日日得胜。

    Please keep guiding us to lead a life of victory by relying on power of the precious blood .

  6. 支付宝和中国的大银行达成合作,并且和中国邮政(ChinaPost)签署了长期协议,如此一来,客户即使没有借记卡或者银行卡,也可以通过中国邮政遍布各地的66000家邮局向支付宝账户汇款。

    Alipay formed partnerships with leading Chinese banks and signed a long-term agreement with China Post , which meant customers without a debit or bank card could fund their Alipay accounts at any of its 66000 offices .

  7. 为了暂定于7月20日举行的活动“精灵宝可梦Go大串场”,旧金山州立大学戏剧研究专业的学生萨拉·维奇(SaraWitsch)在Facebook上创建了一个小组。

    Sara Witsch , a theater studies major at San Francisco State University , organized a Facebook group for a " 'Pok é mon Go " crawl " that is tentatively scheduled for July 20 .

  8. 目的证实运脾中药复方儿宝颗粒降低厌食大鼠下丘脑腹内侧核(VMN)神经元对外周传入信号的敏感性。

    AIM : To explore the role of Yunpi , a traditional Chinese prescription , in reducing the sensitivity of the VMN neurons to the peripheral afferent signal in anorexia rats .

  9. 儿宝颗粒对厌食大鼠下丘脑外侧区神经元整合摄食相关信息的影响

    Effect of Er ' bao Granule on Integration of Ingestion Behavior-related Information by Neurons in Lateral Hypothalamic Area of Anorexia Rats

  10. 一些用户可以通过蚂蚁集团的支付宝应用程序访问这一新电子钱包,支付宝是中国两大主要移动支付应用程序之一。

    The new e-wallet is accessible to some users through Ant 's Alipay app , one of two primary mobile payment apps in China .

  11. 之前,支付宝主要依附于淘宝网,为其提供交易支付服务,分拆后,支付宝看到了更大的外部市场。

    Before , pay treasure main leech on to the net that clean out treasure , offer for its trade pay a service , after tearing apart , paid treasure to see bigger exterior market .