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  • 网络Vinh Long;Wing Lung;Wing Lung Bank
  1. 其他贷款人包括巴克莱银行(Barclays)、澳新银行(ANZBank)、瑞信(CreditSuisse)、荷兰国际集团(ING),以及总部位于香港的永隆银行(WingLungBank)和恒生银行(HangSengBank)。

    Others include Barclays , ANZ , Credit Suisse , ING and Hong Kong-based lenders Wing Lung and Hang Seng Bank .

  2. 金英证券(KimEngSecurities)分析师IvanLi表示:招行需要一个更大的网络,以使其香港当地业务更有意义。购买永隆银行是一个很好的扩张方式。

    CMB needs a bigger network to make its local operation more meaningful . Buying Wing Lung is a good way to expand , says Ivan Li , analyst at Kim Eng Securities .

  3. 闽国永隆通宝钱范的制作工艺

    The Mould-Cast techniques of Yong Long Tong Bao coin of Min state

  4. 永隆银行金禧庇护工场及宿舍

    Wing Lung Bank Golden Jubilee Sheltered Workshop cum Hostel

  5. 这些银行的大股东都在观望永隆银行股权出售的进程,从中了解永隆银行股权估价的情况。

    Major shareholders in those institutions are watching the Wing Lung process to see the valuation put on their rival .

  6. 伍氏家族控股权的出售可能引发对永隆银行其余流通股的收购。

    A sale of the family 's majority holding would trigger a tender offer for all shares outstanding of the bank .

  7. 永隆银行已进行详细的内部检讨,并已制订程序以防止该情况再度发生。

    Wing Lung Bank has conducted a detailed internal review and has put in place procedures to prevent this situation from arising again .

  8. 自3月中旬传出伍氏家族欲出售永隆银行的消息后,其股价已经跃升了80%。

    Wing Lung 's shares have jumped 80 per cent since mid-March , when news emerged that the Wu family was looking to sell .

  9. 中国商业银行海外并购经济后果研究&以招商银行并购永隆银行为例

    The Study on Economic Consequence of Overseas Mergers and Acquisitions of Chinese Commercial Banks & Based on the Case of China Merchants Bank in the Acquisition of Wing Lung Bank

  10. 对招商银行而言,收购永隆银行将会提高其香港业务规模,使其可以从香港和内地之间不断增长的跨境业务中获利。

    For CMB , the Wing Lung deal will provide it with a bigger presence in Hong Kong , allowing it to capitalise on rising cross-border business between Hong Kong and China .

  11. 此外,学院安排了同学参观康宏理财、香港交易所、香港金融管理局、香港邮政、数码港、中华电力和永隆银行有限公司,了解实际的商业运作。

    Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Ltd. , the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Information Centre , Hongkong Post , Cyberport and Sybase , CLP Power HK Ltd. , and Wing Lung Bank Ltd.

  12. 当伍氏家族在3月份宣布计划出售永隆银行的控股权时,招商银行即表达了兴趣,但没有入围。伍氏家族在75年前创立了永隆银行。

    When the Wu family , who founded Wing Lung 75 years ago , put their controlling stake in the Hong Kong bank up for sale in March , CMB expressed an interest , but was not shortlisted .

  13. 最后,以招商银行并购永隆银行为例,利用三维整合模型,对该并购案例的整合方案进行了全面的分析,指出了其整合方案的利弊得失,并进一步提出了完善该整合方案的措施。

    Finally , this paper takes the M & A case of China Merchants Bank and Wing Lung Bank as an example , analyses its program of Post-merger integration by using three-dimensional model , then appraises and perfects it .

  14. 上周五,中国第六大银行(按资产排名)招商银行同意以每股156.5港元的价格,购买伍氏家族所持永隆银行53.1%的股份。吴氏家族75年前建立了这家香港中型银行。

    On Friday CMB , China 's sixth-largest lender by assets , agreed to pay HK $ 156.5 a share for a 53.1 per cent stake in Wing Lung offered by the Wu family , who founded the mid-sized Hong Kong lender 75 years ago .