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dà bǎo
  • Dabao
大宝 [dà bǎo]
  • (1) [emperor]∶皇帝之位

  • 久居大宝

  • (2) [treasure]∶珍贵的财宝、宝贝

  • (3) [Buddhist doctrine]∶对佛法的称呼

  • (4) [50-oz(silver) nugget]∶一种重五十两的银元宝

  1. 粤北大宝山重金属污染土壤中AM真菌的研究

    Study on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Heavy Metal-Contaminated Soil from Dabao Mountains , North Guangdong

  2. 现在,收税员小傅和纳税人大宝,一个卖羊肉串的小贩将为您展示这非常之变化。

    Now , the tax collector , Xiaofu , and the tax payer Dabao , a vendor selling Yangrouchuan will show you the very change .

  3. 根据含矿层序中的碳、氧同位素组成和稀土元素(REE)模式,认为大宝山矿床是海底热事件的结果。

    Based on the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition and rare earth element ( REE ) patterns , the origin of the Dabaoshan deposit is considered to be related to the sea-floor thermal events .

  4. 计算的净质量变化(%)表明:所谓大宝山花岗闪长岩是补给岩筒中海底蚀变的产物,而热水沉积岩则有Si-Fe-Mg质量加入。

    The calculated net mass change ( % ) shows that the so-called " Dabaoshan granodiorite " is formed by sea-floor alteration in the recharge pipe , whereas Si-Fe-Mg mass is added to the hydrothermal sedimentary rocks .

  5. 永恒的真诚是大宝人的品质。

    Permanent sincerity is the character of the people of Dabao .

  6. 大宝山铜铁矿区水体重金属污染评价

    Assessment of Aquatic Pollution of Heavy Metals in a Copper-iron Area

  7. 大宝在哭还是在笑?大宝在哭。

    Is Dumbo crying or laughing ? Dumbo is crying .

  8. 大宝王子是大宝庄园之副牌酒。

    Conn é table Talbot is the second wine of Chateau Talbot .

  9. 他跟随第十六世大宝法王学修了许多年。

    He learnt from the16th Karmapa for many years .

  10. 他们的性命就掌握在我们手里了,大宝。

    Their lives are in our hands , bough .

  11. 大宝庄除了在美度区拥有产业外,有没有收购其他庄园的动向?

    Does Chateau Talbot buy out any wineries in other areas outside Medoc ?

  12. 大宝山是我国华南大型的含硫化矿物多金属矿山。

    Dabaoshan Mine is a large polymetallic sulfide deposit in the South China .

  13. 你知道为什么全世界都嫉妒我们吗,大宝?

    Do you know what makes us envied the world over , bough ?

  14. 本开示缘起尊贵的大宝法王噶玛巴在之前,授予了观音的口传。

    Due to His great compassion the Karmapa firstly bestowed the Chenrezig oral tranmission .

  15. 大宝山其实是一座休眠火山。

    Daebong mountain is actually a dormant volcano .

  16. 那时,藏传佛教的领导者只能依靠大宝法王。

    Until then , the mantle of leadership could well rest with the Karmapa .

  17. 戴尔在这两款机子上押了大宝,誓要赢回消费者的心。

    With these machines , Dell is making a strong bid to win back consumers'hearts .

  18. 从这个角度讲,大宝法王希望弟子们能培养对自身的爱。

    In this sense , His Holiness urged the audience to cultivate affection for themselves .

  19. 当场只想到大宝法王帮昏迷苍蝇做心肺复苏急救的画面。

    That reminds me of the story about how Karmapa did CPR to a fly .

  20. 我认为,最重要的是,要跟随十六世大宝法王的步伐。

    I think the most important thing is to follow in the footsteps of the16th Karmapa .

  21. 大宝有大大的耳朵。

    Dumbo has big ears .

  22. 盐国之大宝

    Salt : A National Treasure

  23. 他自第十六世大宝法王处领受了许多大手印法教,包含了所有的口诀心要。

    He received many teachings of mahamudra , including all the oral pith instructions from the16th karmapa .

  24. 上帝坐在白色大宝座上用生命册审判每一个死了的人。

    From the Great white throne God Judges everybody that was dead by opening the Scroll of Life .

  25. 大宝长得很快,听说现在已经开始生出两颗下牙了。

    Nephew Da Bao grows really fast . I just learn that he has grown out two bottom teeth recently .

  26. 尊贵的第十七世大宝法王噶玛巴受普世责任基金会之邀,于今天在德里召开两天的法会。

    The17th Gyalwang Karmapa today commenced a two-day series of teachings in Delhi at the invitation of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility .

  27. 境内有韶关钢铁厂、韶关发电厂、大宝山矿等多家省属大型工业企业。

    Territory Shaoguan Iron and Steel Plant , Shaoguan power plants , mines and a number of provincial Dabaoshan large-scale industrial enterprises .

  28. 云南维西大宝山铜(银)多金属矿区通过近年的地质勘查,探明的铜资源量已达中型规模。

    Recent years'geological exploration has confirmed that the proved copper reserves in Dabaoshan copper ( silver ) polymetallic ore field has reached middle scale .

  29. 结果表明大宝山矿区选矿水污染饮用水与上坝村消化道肿瘤高发有密切关系。

    Results There was close relationship between the incidence of enteron tumors in Shangba Village and the drinking water polluted by the Dabaoshan mine .

  30. 大宝法王是个强健的年轻人,一副眼镜架在他圆圆的剃过的头上,在僧袍下面露出半高的褐色的靴子。

    The Karmapa is a sturdy young man , spectacles clinging to his round shaved head , pebbled brown half boots peeking out from beneath the robe .