
dà mài
  • large pulse
大脉[dà mài]
  1. TCD提示颈内动脉虹吸段或大脉中动脉狭窄>50%的患者中DSA符合率达98%。

    In the patients with > 50 % stenosis of ICA siphon segment or MCA found by TCD , 98 % of them were diagnosed as positive by DSA .

  2. 然而这些事实不适用于那些显著不整合的穿层大脉以及其它接触变质的岩石和矿石。

    However , these facts do not apply to those observably unconformity contact through strata veins and other contact metamorphic rocks and minerals .

  3. 金厂峪金矿床是冀东最大的金矿床,具有早期复脉型和晚期石英大脉型两种矿石类型。

    Jinchangyu gold deposit is the largest one in Jideong area consisting of the early composite vein type ore and the late quartz dyke type ore.

  4. 矿石类型有含金石英大脉型、石英网脉型和蚀变岩型。矿床成因类型有4种:一为火山热液型,其成因与区内早&中石炭世火山作用有关;

    Veined , stockwork and alteration-sheathed gold ores have been found in the area , belonging to four genetic types : the volcanic hydrothermal ores related to early-middle Carboniferous volcanism ;

  5. 据此作者认为甲岗雪山钨、钼、铋多金属矿床是在大陆碰撞后陆内伸展构造背景下,形成于喜马拉雅中期中酸性岩浆活动阶段,矿质主要源自岩浆,矿床类型为石英大脉型。

    For this the authors argue that the deposit formed in intracontinental extensional environment after continental collision at the middle Himalayan stage when intermediate-acid magma was active , the ore matter was mainly sourced from magma and the deposit is of big quartz vein type .

  6. 用大结晶脉石英制造硅砖

    Production of silica brick using large crystalline guartz

  7. 用大结晶脉石英制成高耐火度、高荷重软化点硅砖,使用寿命提高5倍以上。

    The silica bricks of high refractoriness , high loading and heavy melting point made of large crystalline quartz have already increased the life to5 times .

  8. 观察、比较太阳脉、耳门脉、大迎脉、寸口脉、神门脉、合谷脉、趺阳脉、太溪脉、太冲脉的充盈度、流利度,为经络辨证提供依据。

    The observation , the comparison the sun veins , pulse , big meet portals pulse , cunkou veins , portal , and god of veins , Yang veins , since the veins , pulse emmeniopathy is filled from degree , fluency , provide the basis for meridian syndrome differentiation .

  9. 目的:探讨二甲基亚硝胺(DMN)肝纤维化大鼠门脉压力(Ppv)的动态变化及门脉高压形成的病理组织学基础。

    AIM : To investigate dynamic changes of the pressure of portal vein ( Ppv ) in dimethylnitrosamine ( DMN ) - induced liver fibrosis in rats , and the histopathological basis of the Ppv .

  10. 复制大鼠门脉高压食管静脉曲张模型的解剖基础

    Morphological basis of rat model with portal hypertension and esophageal varices

  11. 奥曲肽对肝硬化大鼠门脉压力和细菌转位的影响

    Effect of octreotide on portal pressure and bacterial translocation in rats with cirrhosis

  12. 内皮素-1在脂多糖致大鼠门脉高压症中作用的体外研究

    Role of endothelin in portal hypertension induced by endotoxin

  13. 大剂量生脉注射液治疗房室传导阻滞的疗效观察及随访分析

    Assessment of High Dose ShengMai Injection Juice in Patients with Atrioventricular Conduction Block

  14. 大鼠门脉回流、内引流胰十二指肠移植动物模型的建立

    Pancreaticoduodenal transplantation with portal venous drainage and enteric drainage : a rat model

  15. 肝硬变门脉高压症大鼠舌脉的血流动力学变化及其发生机制的研究

    Experimental study of hemodynamic changes of lingual vessels of rats with cirrhotic portal hypertension and its mechanism

  16. 亚低温组同时联用大剂量生脉注射液。

    In addition , the patients in the treatment group were treated with a large doses of Shengmai injection .

  17. 目的:探讨大剂量生脉注射液对充血性心力衰竭的临床疗效。

    Objective : To explore the clinical efficacy of large dose of Shen Mai Yin Injection in treating congestive heart failure cases .

  18. 门静脉部分结扎大鼠门脉血中一氧化氮水平与高动力循环综合征的关系

    Relationship Between Level of Nitric Oxide in the Blood of Portal Vein and the Hyperdynamic Circulatory Syndrome in Partial Portal Vein Ligative Rats

  19. 大庄子网脉型(银)金矿属浅成亚型的次亚型,迄今未见论述。

    The Da Zhuang Zi stockwork ( silver ) gold mine is a epizonal subtypes mine , has so far not been discussed .

  20. 建立大鼠门脉回流、内引流胰十二指肠移植动物模型,使该模型符合正常生理特点。

    To establish a rat model of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation with portal venous drainage and enteric drainage , with physiologically near normal function , eliminating hyperinsulinemia and reducing postoperative complications .

  21. 本论文对大庄子网脉型(银)金矿的成矿深度所述,不仅树立了浅成脉型金矿的学术地位,而且提高了浅成网脉型金矿的勘查价值。

    The discussed of mineralization depth in Da Zhuang Zi stockwork ( silver ) gold mine , not only set a epizonal vein-type gold deposits academic status , but also enhance the epizonal stockwork gold exploration value .

  22. 大黄素与参脉注射液对SS患者PBMC的分泌均有调节作用,二者可能通过不同途径起作用。

    Both of emodin and SMI may have regulatory effect on excretion of PBMC in SS patients , but they play a role in different ways .

  23. 目的观察大鼠肝硬化门脉高压形成过程中外周血浆内皮素-1(ET-1)和一氧化氮(NO)的动态变化,以探讨两种物质在门脉高压高动力循环中的作用。

    Objective To observe the dynamic changes of endothelin-1 ( ET-1 ) and nitric oxide ( NO ) in plasma of the rats during the process of cirrhotic hypertension .

  24. 门脉局部注入DDPH治疗大鼠肝硬化门脉高压的实验研究

    Experimental Study of DDPH Intraportal Injection Treating Portal Hypertension Associated with Liver Cirrhosis in Rats

  25. 大鼠肝硬变门脉高压症模型建立方法改进

    Modified procedure for rat model of hepatocirrhosis with portal hypertension in rats

  26. 方法:采用40%四氯化碳诱导大鼠肝硬化门脉高压模型。

    Methods : 40 % CCl 4 induced cirrhotic Sprague Dawley rats were studied .

  27. 一氧化氮在大鼠肝硬变门脉高压症发病中的作用

    The effects of nitric oxide on rats during the development of cirrhosis with portal hypertension

  28. 大鼠肝硬变门脉高压症不同术式后肝脏储备功能的研究

    Effects of different types of operation on hepatic reserve function in rats with cirrhotic portal hypertension

  29. 大鼠肝硬变门脉高压性瘀证舌脉诊变化的实验研究

    Experimental study on change of tongue inspection ( Glossoscopy ) of rats cirrhosis with portal hypertensive stasis

  30. 肝星状细胞活化在大鼠肝硬化门脉高压形成中的作用

    Role of hepatic stellate cells activation in development of portal hypertention of dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver cirrhosis in rats