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  1. 这些政权被清军各个击破,直到1662年,永历皇帝朱由榔去世后,明朝复兴的最后一丝希望破灭了。

    Each bastion of resistance was individually defeated by the Qing until 1662 , when the last real hopes of a Ming revival died with the Yongli emperor , Zhu Youlang .

  2. 清军进入广西、云南后,虽然南明仍有永历政权,安南各政权已开始建立了与清朝的宗藩关系。

    After the Qing troops marched into Guangxi and Yunnan , the Annan regimes began to establish suzerain-vassal relations with the Qing Dynasty , despite there remained Yongli 's reins in the Southern Ming Dynasty .