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yǒng jué
  • be separated by death;part forever;part never to meet again;be parted by death
永诀 [yǒng jué]
  • [part forever;part never to meet again;be parted by death] 永别。指死别

  • 谁料那次分手竟成永诀

永诀[yǒng jué]
  1. 蓉城一别,竟成永诀。

    When we parted at chengdu , I little thought that we were never to meet again in this world .

  2. 在他的行为中绝对不能有任何永诀的暗示。

    In his behaviour there must be no hint of farewells .

  3. 如果即将和深爱的人永诀,他们深信彼此将永远相爱。

    They knew that their love was to be eternal .

  4. 再不会离去,无论是永诀。

    And never let go till we 're gone .

  5. 今天下午,我从家里动身,一路步行想到卡斯特桥监狱和他永诀。

    Early this afternoon I left home to tramp it all the way to Casterbridge jail to bid him farewell .