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dú jīng
  • read (Confucian) classics
读经 [dú jīng]
  • [study the Confucian classics] 朗读、诵读、阅读经典著作或经典文章

  1. 当他轻手轻脚地回到读经台时,他听到了劳伦斯神父冷冰冰的声音。

    When he crept back to his desk , he heard the dry voice of Father Laurence .

  2. 谢辽日卡先动手做读经台。

    First of all Seryozhka sets to work on the lectern .

  3. 在当今时代,读经是必要的。

    At present time , reading the " classics " is necessary .

  4. 你听到今天弥撒的读经了吗?

    And did you hear the readings at Mass today ?

  5. 论少年儿童读经教育的德育意义&加强未成年人道德教育的有益探索

    On the Moral Education 's Significances of the Reading Classics for Children

  6. 读经班每星期四晚上在教堂大厅举行。

    Bible-reading classes are held in the church hall every Thursday evening .

  7. 中国古代剧本的生成与分化要求少儿读经是逆历史潮流而动

    The Against-the-historical-trend Requirement for Students to Study Ancient Scripts

  8. 论儿童启蒙读经在教育中的作用

    Study on the Influence of Children 's Enlightened Reading the Part in Education

  9. 花时间读经吧,那是认识神的途径。

    Take time to study Bible , it is the way of knowing God .

  10. 读经台上得雕出一个十字架和一本摊开的福音书。

    On the lectern is to be carved the cross and the open gospel .

  11. 经书承载着中国悠久的文化,传统的读经教育中蕴含着重要的教育方法。

    Ancient classics bear century-old Chinese culture and traditional education employs some helpful methods .

  12. 然而,仅仅只是读经和听道是不够的。

    However just reading or listening to talks about the Bible is not enough .

  13. 不出所料,大多数复活节读经都很适合葬礼仪式。

    Not surprisingly , most Easter readings would be very fitting for a funeral service .

  14. 儿童读经之争的背后&试论当前幼儿教育的观念混变

    Behind the Debate on Children 's Classics-reading : On Fusion of Conception of Children Education

  15. 只要是国会议员,不管哪个党派,都会参加晨祈和读经活动。

    Over on Capitol Hill politicians of all parties attend prayer breakfasts and Bible classes .

  16. 用祷告的心读经才能在祷告中得能力,对我而言这是不可或缺的。

    Prayerful study of the Bible is indispensable for me to gain power in prayer .

  17. 这也是很多学者反对青少年读经的原因。

    It is also the reason that many scholars argue against teen-agers reading the Confucian classics .

  18. 接着在我读经的时候,上帝和我“说话”了。

    And I read the Bible . God " spoke " to me when I read .

  19. 在粗糙的读经台后面,偏向一边,是一座挂着幕布的木偶戏台。

    Behind the crude lectern , off to a side , stands a curtained puppet theatre .

  20. 所以您可利用本软件之读经计数器随时随地方便的读诵心经。

    Therefore , You may recite the Heart Sutra with the counter utility anytime , anywhere conveniently .

  21. 每天读经和祷告会帮助你知道神要你做什么。

    Reading your Bible and praying daily will help you know what God wants you to do .

  22. 这个字在该主日的读经和祷文,一共出现了七次。

    Altogether the word " heart " occurs seven times in the prayers and readings of the Sunday .

  23. 不只试炼和困难能锻炼,加增我们的信心;读经亦然。

    But trials and difficulties are not the only means by which faith is exercised and thereby increased .

  24. 蒋庆先生认为“读经”运动在于培养文化自觉,以培养文化意义上的中国人。

    Jiangqing considered " reading classics " movement as training and Chinese culture consciousness to make Chinese more literacy .

  25. 冰窟窿上盖着油漆过的木环,旁边要放读经台。

    A lectern is to stand by the hole in the ice that is covered by the painted ring ;

  26. ××小学读经诵典活动即是学校开展传统文化教育的一个缩影。

    X elementary school " read ' cult " activities that traditional culture education in schools is a miniature .

  27. 他走近桌子,站在桌前,犹如站在读经台上一般。

    He came over to the table and stood in front of it as though it was a lectern .

  28. 选择一些读经和一段讲道经文,确定一个讲道主题,发展婚礼讲道的大纲。

    Choose some Scripture readings and a sermon text , develop a sermon theme and outline for a wedding .

  29. 在过去的几周内,我们的读经一直是围绕出埃及记和利未记展开的。

    Our readings over the past few weeks have been taking us through the books of Exodus and Leviticus .

  30. 试图创意性地选择不同讲道经文,使其与这个节日关联是错误的。其他可以在做圣诞礼拜时使用的读经。

    It is a mistake to try to creatively choose a different sermon text and tie it in to the festival .