
  1. 虽然它假设您在打开该书之前就熟悉许多Java概念,但是该假设允许有意的读者关注Rails新的和有趣的部分。

    While it 's assumed that you 're familiar with many Java concepts before opening the book , that assumption allows the intended reader to focus on new and interesting parts of Rails .

  2. 论广告口号翻译中的读者关注

    On Concern for Readers in Advertising Slogan Translation

  3. 中国现代诗歌欣赏,历来令读者关注和头痛。

    How and what to appreciate modern Chinese poetry has always been the attention and headache for readers .

  4. 作为创新的量刑规范化改革中的亮点之一&量刑建议,作为检察机关求刑权的表现之一,受读者关注。

    One of as in innovation discretion of punishment standardization reform luminescent spots & Sentence proposal , is concerned by society .

  5. 一个半世纪以来,读者关注最多,评论也最多的莫过于两个主人公凯瑟琳和希斯克厉夫。

    In the past one and half century , what has been most noticed and commented is undoubtedly the two main characters-Catherine and Heathcliff .

  6. 这是你们的工作,作为一个专为留住作者和读者关注的一个新的、令人耳目一新的心经验。

    It 's your job as an ad writer to capture that attention and give the reader 's mind a new and refreshing experience .

  7. 对名人的采访报道是众多读者关注的焦点,也是新闻记者追逐的热点。

    The interview reports on famous person are the focus which most readers concern about as well as the hot spot which the journalists seek .

  8. 为让读者关注他们的研究,学习、借鉴三者的成就及方法,本文从以下方面对其展开论述。

    In order to make people pay more attention to their achievement and study their method easily , their research is discussed in this essay in three aspects .

  9. 一些网站甚至还以点击量作为向作者付费的标准,这样一个体系当然会促使人们追求轰动效应,或是尽一切努力引起读者关注。

    Some sites even pay writers by the click , which is of course a system that promotes sensationalism , or doing whatever it takes to get noticed .

  10. 报告特别提请读者关注建立发展中国家识别、评价和采纳新技术的能力,关注大学能够发挥的独特作用。

    The report particularly draws attention to building capacity in developing countries to identify , evaluate , and integrate new technologies ; and to the unique role that universities can play .

  11. 作者呼吁读者关注世界的扁平化,使以前感觉被排斥在外的人能够加入其中。

    The author calls readers to be informed about the new flatness of the world , and to use it to empower and include those who have felt shut out in the past .

  12. 周同宾的《天籁》不凿斧痕地将这三个层面和谐统一,以其特有的艺术魅力完成了作者引导读者关注人类生命状态,积极探求生命价值的艺术使命。

    With its particular artistic charming , the author leads the readers to pay attention to the life state of the humanity and completes the artistic mission of pursuing the life value actively .

  13. 唐纳先生的这种无心插柳很好地强调了媒体的真正价值,这其中包括了已经比较健全的无数网络媒体和那些竞争读者关注度的新兴博客媒体。

    In doing so , Mr Downer accidentally made a useful contribution to highlighting the real value of established media over the myriad of online and new media Bloggs competing for reader attention .

  14. 读者关注的宅第和花园,产品功能,访谈,型材和区域设计新闻都在此杂志能够找到。

    Jam packed with readers'homes and gardens , product features , interviews , profiles and regional design news , Concept For Living is the must-buy design magazine for the north of the UK .

  15. 他的丰满鲜活的黑人形象在政治领域产生了广泛的影响,对黑人民权运动起到了积极的推动作用,也吸引着众多作家和读者关注黑人及种族问题。

    His vivid black images have greatly influenced the field of politics , promoted the Civil Rights Movement , and attracted a great number of writers and readers to care about the issues of blacks and racism .

  16. 本书中有什么内容或观点你想要InfoQ的读者特别关注一下?

    Is there any aspect of the book , or any argument in the book that you want to bring to the attention of the InfoQ audience ?

  17. 这一系列指南面向的读者是关注于实现的开发人员。

    This guide is intended for a technical audience with focus on implementation .

  18. 并非只有记者和读者会关注《华尔街日报》。

    Reporters and readers are not the only ones who will be watching the journal .

  19. 《轨道交通》杂志每期精心挑选四篇最优文章,引导读者特别关注。

    Four articles will be selected carefully from every issue of Rail Transit and lead readers ′ more attention .

  20. 其中,经济类新闻占有很大比例,并且倍受国内外读者的关注。

    The economic news accounts for a big proportion in them and receives close attention at home and abroad .

  21. 这一系列教程已经有6个部分,并在持续更新,请读者们关注更新情况。

    The tutorial series currently has six parts but is ongoing and readers should continue to look for updates .

  22. 近几年,报纸上的文艺副刊越来越受到广大读者的关注和喜爱。

    In the resent years , the literary supplement on the newspapers has attracted more and more attentions from readers .

  23. 日本作家渡边淳一的《失乐园》曾引起许多读者的关注,但一般都仅仅把它看作是叙述一个婚外情的故事。

    The Lost Paradise has abstracted the attention of many readers , but the ordinary people just regard it as a story of extramarital love .

  24. 《土生子》出版后,不仅震动了美国文坛,也震撼了美国社会,受到许多评论家和读者的关注。

    Since the publication of Native Son , it shocked the American society as well as the literary field , attracting many critics and readers ' attentions .

  25. 奥斯卡·王尔德,这位爱尔兰奇才,百年以来一直是文学评论家们和好奇的读者们关注的对象。

    Oscar Wilde , this Irish genius , for over a century , has always been the center of attraction for both art critics and curious readers .

  26. 她的作品因为独特的叙事手法和诗化的语言以及对传统神话的重写而受到评论家以及读者的关注。

    Her works , imbued with particular narrative strategies , poetic language and rewriting of the traditional fairy tales , arrests wide attention from both critics and readers .

  27. 19世纪和20世纪的许多文学理论侧重于作者以及文本在文学活动中作用,而对读者的关注却明显不够。

    The literary theories in the 19th and early 20th century focus on the role of authors , the text but ignore that of readers in the literary process .

  28. 他所塑造的性格鲜明的南方人物在心理分析领域产生了广泛的影响,引发了众多作家和读者持续关注个人心理的形成。

    His vivid images of Deep South have greatly influenced the field of psychoanalysis , attracted a great number of writers and reader to care about the issues of psychology .

  29. 在过去的40年中,被归为流散文学一类的美国华裔文学渐渐开始为众多国内学者及读者所关注并接受。

    Featuring the distinctive perspectives of diaspora group , Chinese American literature has just received its due attention from both international and domestic academic circles and readers in the last 40 years .

  30. 但我认为,暴露在商业出版物读者的关注之下,或在电视新闻节目或议会中受到质疑,使我受到了更严格的评审,并可以提供更多的相关性。

    However , I suggest that exposure to the readers of the business press or being questioned on television news programmes or in parliament , makes me subject to greater review and more relevance .