
  • 网络Reader Research;user study
  1. 前苏联的读者研究及其对我们的启示

    Inspiration from the Study on Readers by the Soviet Union

  2. 科技写作标准化趋势与读者研究

    The Trend in the Standardization of Scientific and Technical Writing and the Study of Readers

  3. 读者研究与阅读类型

    Reader Study and Reading Type

  4. 随着哲学和美学思想的发展,艺术研究的视角从文本研究转向了读者研究。

    With the philosophical and aesthetic development , the view of art study change from the text to the reader .

  5. 本文的一些观点可以为广大读者研究冰心这位现当代作家提供一定的借鉴。

    The views in this article will provide some references for those readers who are studying the works by the great contemporary writer .

  6. 坚持以人为本要通过加强读者研究、开展读者培训,扩大开放程度、简化服务环节,关注弱势群体、推行无偿服务来实现;

    The first can be realized by means of studying readers , training readers , expanding service scope and simplifying service procedures , etc.

  7. 读者研究是前苏联许多学科研究的重要内容,更是图书馆学的传统和特色,在图书馆学中占有重要地位。

    Being the tradition and distinguished feature of the library science , the study on readers was an important aspect in many subjects of the Soviet Union .

  8. 此方案为中国联通小灵通用户迁移提供了宝贵的经验,也为对该内容感兴趣的专家和读者研究案例,提供了有益的实证参考资料。

    This scheme has supplied precious experiences of PHS from China Unicom , in the meanwhile have supplied beneficial references for the specialists and reader who take an interest in this theme .

  9. 围绕新时期高校图书馆的建设与发展,论述了读者研究工作的重要性,分析了高校读者的特点,探讨了把握读者心理与做好信息服务的关系。

    Around the construction and development of university library in the new period , this paper mainly discusses on the importance of the research work on readers , analyzes on the features of university readers , and probes into the relation between grasping readers'psychology and doing well the information service .

  10. 重视读者心理研究提供高效优质服务

    Stress on Readers'Psychological Research and Provide High-efficiency and High-quality Service

  11. 结构方程模型在图书馆读者满意度研究中的应用

    An Empirical Study on Library Users ' Satisfaction Based on Structural Equation model

  12. 图书馆读者心理学研究初探

    Probe into the Research on Library Readers ' Psychology

  13. 图书馆采访工作中读者定位研究

    The " reader " positioning in Library acquisition of book titles in research

  14. 基于大学生社会规范学习的高校图书馆读者教育研究

    A Study of Reader Education in University Students Based on Learning of Social Norms

  15. 第一章介绍了本论文的研究背景及研究意义,并对前人做过的对翻译中译文读者的研究进行了回顾。

    Chapter One offers a brief introduction to the background and significance of the study .

  16. 重视读者心理研究提高学校图书馆服务质量

    Pay Great Attention to Readers ' Psychological Research and Improve Service Quality of University 's Library

  17. 社科学术期刊管理;社科阅览室读者工作研究

    The management of journal ; Research on the Read Work of Reading Rooms for Social Science

  18. 读者评论研究是译著质量评价的一个重要参考依据。

    The study on reader reviews is an important parameter in the evaluation of translation quality .

  19. 斯蒂芬·米切尔《道德经》英译本读者接受研究

    A Research on Readers ' Reception of Stephen Mitchell 's English Translation of Dao De Jing

  20. 读者心理研究

    A Study of the Reader Psychology

  21. 新阅读时代视野下的大学生读者群研究与服务创新

    Research on the University Student Reader Group and Service Innovation under New Reading Era Field of Vision

  22. 电子图书馆的读者工作研究

    Reader Services of Electronic Libraries

  23. 为了便于读者深入研究,附有近期主要参考文献35篇。

    In order to facilitate the reader for further study , 35 major recent reference articles are attached .

  24. 读者调查研究方法的实证分析&广州城市职业学院图书馆读者调查案例研究

    Empirical Analysis on Methods of Reader Survey & Case Studies of Reader Survey in Guangzhou City Polytechnic Library

  25. 在20世纪以前的整个西方文论基本忽略对读者接受研究的情况下,他的这一理论开启了西方文论中读者研究的先声。

    His theory takes an initiative to study readers when readers ' acceptance research was neglected before 20th century .

  26. 《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》是陀思妥耶夫斯基最伟大的作品之一,作品以其独特的魅力吸引了无数的读者和研究者。

    Brothers Karamazov , one of the greatest works of Dostoevsky , has attracted countless readers and researchers with its unique charm .

  27. 编辑的艺术分析包括三个方面:三位一体的艺术分析,对作家的研究分析,对读者的研究分析。

    The editor 's artistic analysis has three aspects : three-in-one artistic analysis , study of the author , and study of the reader .

  28. 学术论文的形式是学术研究成果的载体,它的完美与否直接影响到论文内容的表达与读者对研究成果的接受程度。

    The form of research paper is the basis of the research fruit , which directly influences the reader 's acceptance of the paper .

  29. 以学员读者为研究对象,对馆藏文献与读者特征的相关性进行了综合调查。

    A survey is conducted to investigate the college readers and the correlation between the library documents and the features of the college readers .

  30. 在这一部分笔者通过对研究性学习涵义的论述,让读者对研究性学习有个比较清晰的认识。

    In this part of author through to study learning implication elaboration , Let the reader have a quite clear understanding to the study learning .