
  1. 难道我们就不能只读理论而不读文学?

    Can 't we just read the theory without the literature ?

  2. 世俗告诉MuktaBakaray:尼日利亚人是不读文学作品的。

    Now , the conventional wisdom was that Nigerians don 't read literature .

  3. 读者一边读文学作品,一边构建认知语境。

    While the reader reads the literary works , he is constructing cognitive context .

  4. 读文学书,写学生腔文章,梦想着成为文学家的样子。

    Wanted to practice handwriting but failed , then read literatures and wrote articles , dreaming to be a litterateur .

  5. 政治家们读文学作品,不光是为从里面寻求精深的谋略,更是将其看成锻炼智力的独特方式。

    Statesmen have looked at literature not only as another source of strategic insight but as a unique intellectual endeavor .

  6. 我建议大家多读文学名著,多读科普读物,多读名人传记。

    I suggest you to read literary classics , popular science books to read , to read biographies of famous people .

  7. 学语言必须读文学,但读文学不等于学文学而是学语言。

    To learn a language , one must read literary works . But , it does not mean to learn the speech .

  8. 但,工余闲暇,读文学书籍依然不辍,借以缓解我心灵上的伤痛和身体上的劳累。

    However , their spare time , reading literature books still working to alleviate the anguish of my soul and physical exertion .

  9. 很高兴自己已经淡忘许多当年修读文学时所学的东西&特别是那些核心部分,包括对俗世的忧虑和对世事自以为是的看法。

    Gladly , I 've forgotten quite a lot of the stuff I learnt as a literature student-especially those inward-to-the-core bits , complete with angst and those me-against-the-world pontifications .

  10. 尽管如此,我认为,人们在认识到这样一个世界已经通俗化之后,一旦读书,就想要感觉自己是在读文学作品,或者至少是在读严肃作品。

    All the same , given the perceived dumbing down of such a world , when people do read I think they 'll want to feel they are reading literature , or at least something serious .

  11. 他在业余时间读儿童文学消遣。

    Reading children 's literature is a hobby with him .

  12. 同时,你们当中一个人还问到,你读什么文学呢?

    Also one of you asked what literature do you read ?

  13. 我读的文学作品描写的是人们如何工作,然后休息。

    The literature I read shows people that worked and then relaxed .

  14. 当演员不错;她读的文学作品不怎么样。

    That the stage was good , and the literature she read poor .

  15. 她喜欢读浪漫文学的书籍。

    She likes to read the books of romance .

  16. 计划是优化读的文学艺术。

    Program is optimized for reading of artistic literature .

  17. 确实,屏性媒体对文学的美感经验冲击巨大,现在读经典文学作品的人在比例上是越来越少了,快餐现象也渗入了文学阅读领域,市面上流行的是通俗作品。

    Truly , the screen media has greatly attacked the esthetic experience of literature .

  18. 有可能将一位在读英语文学博士转变成一位市场营销学教授吗?

    Is it possible to convert an English literature PhD candidate into a marketing professor ?

  19. 其三,唐人隐读与文学。

    Thirdly , reclusive learning and literature .

  20. 如果所读的文学作品妙语连珠的话,我会选择逐字逐句地拜读。

    When the language in literature is artful , I would choose to read every word .

  21. 我很抱歉,我不能,因为我现在必须读欧洲文学。

    I 'm sorry , I can 't , because I must study European literature now .

  22. 费萨尔公主出生于吉达,7岁时就开始对摄影感兴趣,在沙特阿拉伯吉达阿布都尔阿济兹国王大学修读阿拉伯文学;

    Princess Reem Al-Faisal was born in Jeddah and started to have interest in photography from the year of7 .

  23. 这个名为杰格迪茨·思恩的老人向他的新的学位目标进发:在勒克瑙大学修读英语文学博士学位。

    Jagdish Singh is in pursuit of his latest academic distinction : a D Litt in English Literature from Lucknow University .

  24. 读原创文学,也是一种平衡自我的方法,而且是一种平静、祥和的方法。

    Reads the original literature , Also is one kind balances the self-method , Moreover is one kind tranquil , the auspicious method .

  25. 我喜欢读原创文学,因为在故事中常常会发现那么一个熟悉的我,常常因为别人笔下的人物而感动落泪。

    I like reading the original literature , Because can discover that familiar me frequently in the story , Is moved frequently because of others writing character cries .

  26. 我们忙得没时间去看书,但仍有许多经典书籍我们尚未翻阅(我为未读的文学作品专门列了一张清单,其中包括《战争与和平》这样的经典,其他那些不断出版的新书就更别提了。)。

    We have so little time to read and there are so many great books that we 've yet to get around to ( War and Peace looms large on my literary guilt list − never mind the ceaseless tide of new releases ) .

  27. 从进入大学开始,这些年轻人开始读深刻的文学作品,收听大学电台,并且寻找生命的真谛,而与此同时,内心深处却比懵懂的16岁那会儿还要困惑。

    Usually beginning when one enters college , these young persons read deep literature , listen to college radio , and search for the meaning of life , all the while secretly becoming even more confused than when they were lame 16 year-olds .

  28. 她女儿喜欢读英国古典文学名著。

    Her daughter likes reading the classics of English literature .

  29. 我建议他多读些英语文学方面的书。

    I advised that he should read more books about English literature .

  30. 广大读者可以读到的文学作品。

    Literature available to the general reading public .