
  • 网络Western Regions Culture;culture in the western region
  1. 李白诗中的西域文化考论

    On the Western - Region Cultures in the Poems by Li Bai

  2. 追溯西域文化,重塑绿地景观&乌鲁木齐市特色绿地景观营造探索

    Reviewing the Western Regions Culture and Re-molding the Green Landscape & the Explore for Urumqi Characteristic Green Shaping

  3. 试论西域文化对入驻西域蒙古人的影响

    Impact of the Western Regions ' Culture on the Mongolians Moving into Western Region Renting And Moving Regions and the World

  4. 同时,也正是因为西域文化的加入,博大精深的汉文化才更加的丰腴。

    At the same time , precisely because of the addition of Western culture , extensive and profound Chinese culture was more plump .

  5. 同时也说明了西域文化在战国中后期,已经深入影响了中原文化。

    At the same time , it also explained that Western Regions Culture had influenced Central Plains culture during the Middle and Later Period of the Warring States .

  6. 吐鲁番是东西方文化、农耕与游牧文化交融聚合的地方,是西域文化的缩影。

    Turpan is a place where oriental culture and occidental culture , agricultural culture and nomadic culture get together , and also is a miniature of west lands culture .

  7. 石窟的墙壁上还绘有裸体的飞天的形象,这与中国传统的形象是截然相反的,很显然也是受到了西域文化的影响。

    Grottoes nude painted on the walls of the " Flying " image , which is the traditional image of the opposite , it is obviously also by the Western culture .

  8. 敦煌在甘肃,其地是古代丝绸之路上的重镇,也是多少世纪来中国与西域文化交流的汇合处,又是佛教的中心地。

    Dunhuang , located in present-day Gansu province , was a major town on the Silk Road , and for many centuries was a meeting place of Chinese and Central Asian cultures .

  9. 本文主要从狭义的西域文化及其特征出发,着重论述其对李白思想、性格和创作的深刻影响以及诗歌创作风格同西域文化的内在联系。

    The writing , on the basis of the latter , is focused on its profound influence on Li Bai 's thought , character and writing as well as the inter-relation between his writing style of poems and the culture of the West .

  10. 西与高原大漠的西域文化唇齿相依,少数民族文化、外来文化与汉文化的交流荟萃于此,从而形成了充满生气活力、刚毅豪放的风格。

    It is closely related with the Western Regions of tableland and desert culture in west . The exchange of minorities culture , foreign culture and Chinese culture gathers together here , has taken form the style which full of life , vigour , sturdy and unconstrained .

  11. 论西域音乐文化中的龟兹乐

    The Study on Qiuzi Music Culture of West Part of China

  12. 中原与西域音乐文化的交流除皇室和亲外,还通过佛教东传、战争、外交和民间往来等渠道进行。

    Besides marriages between imperial families , the communication is realized by the spread of Buddhism , war , diplomacy , and non-governmental contacts .

  13. 本文论述了西域历史地名文化的地位,西域历史地名产生和形成的基础及其阶段性特点,西域历史地名的文化意义和历史价值、其他特点和构成形式等。

    This article deals with the appearance and the character of the names of the historic places in Western Regions , their culture meanings and historical values .

  14. 东汉统治者重视文化交流,积极向周边少数民族地区传播以儒学为主体的汉文化,又通过疏通丝路、派遣使者与周边国家乃至西域诸国开展文化往来,积极引入佛教文化。

    They actively spread Chinese culture which is Confucianism based to neighboring minority areas and introduced Buddhist culture through envoys sent for culture contacts with surrounding countries , even the Western Regions .

  15. 西域绿洲少数民族文化生成规律及启示

    Laws of Culture Development of the Oasis in Western Region and Its Enlightenment

  16. 西域高尖帽文化解析

    Point-topped High Hat Culture in the Western Regions

  17. 西域地理位置及文化特征影响着西域民族。

    The location of west part of China and its cultural characteristics have great influence on nationalities of west part of China .

  18. 古代西域各族人民在文化上对祖国的贡献很大,特别是在佛教的传入和音乐的贡献上。

    The people of ancient Western Regions had made a great contribution to Chinese civilization , especially the spreading of Buddhism and dedication to music .

  19. 来自北方游牧民族和西域国家的异质文化与汉族文化之间的相互碰撞与相互影响,为中华文化的发展注入了新的活力和动力。

    As a result , the exotic culture from northern nomadic nations and western countries mutually conflicted and impacted the Han culture , injecting new vigor and impetus to the development of Chinese culture .