
  • trousers;PANTS;SUIT PANTS
  1. 使用人工神经网络BP算法模拟样板师的经验和技术,用于女西裤的纸样设计,实现了从净体尺寸到成衣尺寸的自动映射,并且具有较高的映射精度。

    The method using BP algorithm of ANN to simulate the pattern master ′ s experience and technique is proposed and used in the flat pattern design of women trousers . This method realizes automatic mapping from the body measurement to the garment size with higher accuracy .

  2. 配件包括:长外套,西裤,黑暗教团徽章。

    Include : Long Coat , Trousers , Black Order Badge .

  3. 顺便说一句,这就是我买上述Celine西裤时违反的第一条准则。

    Incidentally , this was the first rule broken with the aforementioned Celine pants .

  4. 如果搭配黑色西裤,那就是严肃的职场打扮了。

    If paired with a black pantsuit , it means strictly business .

  5. 西裤的外观保持性与面料的合理设计

    Study of Durability of Trousers Appearances and Fabric Designing

  6. 你说得对袖扣和专业定制的西裤

    You 're right , cufflinks and perfectly tailored pants

  7. 男同学宜穿著衬衫,西裤,皮鞋。

    Male students are suggested wearing shirts , trousers , and leather shoes .

  8. 西裤后裆缝斜度定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Seam Gradient of Back Trouser Crotch

  9. 也说,合身是牛仔裤的要素,就像定做的西裤一样。

    To wit , fit is as essential for jeans as for tailored slacks .

  10. 街口拐角处新开了一家专卖西裤的商店。

    A shop that sells western style trousers just opened on the street corner .

  11. 就像约翰尼和我说的那样的一套西装,黑色价格,西裤…

    A suit , like Johnny told me to ! Black jacket , trousers ...

  12. 如今在科技领域,穿着西裤会引来怀疑的目光。

    now , in the tech world , dressy pants can be viewed with suspicion .

  13. 你办一个迎婴派对,邀请了十几个穿着定制西裤喝着贝里尼酒的男人。

    You 're throwing a baby shower with a dozen men in tailored pants sipping Bellinis .

  14. 他穿着一身浅灰色底子淡蓝色条纹的西裤。

    He was dressed in a European-style suit of a pale grey material with pale-blue stripes .

  15. 背心与西裤、西装短裤以及牛仔裤搭配穿,前门襟可敞开也可关拢。

    The waistcoat can be worn either open or closed , over trousers , shorts and jeans .

  16. 单股无光筒装人造棉纱全棉什色纱卡男女西裤

    Single spun rayon yarn dull on cone 100 % cotton colored drill trousers for men and women

  17. 通过实验运用主观评价法获得了休闲西裤外观保持性的主观数据;

    In the experiment , the data of appearance retention of leisure trousers are obtained through subjective assessment .

  18. 那是一位穿着黑色上衣、条纹西裤,长相非常帅气的日本小伙子。

    He was Japanese , a pretty and delicate-looking young man kitted out in black jacket and striped trousers .

  19. 五金配件:挂衣杆,领带架,西裤架,铰链,导轨,拉手。

    Hardware : clothes pole , tie rack , trousers rack , hinge , slide rail , handle ( Chinese ones )

  20. 然后运用灰色理论获得了表征休闲西裤外观保持性的织物基本力学性能指标。

    Then , the fabric basic mechanical property indexes characterizing the leisure trousers appearance retention are gained through applying grey system theory .

  21. 缝制者提供了长达中膝以上的西装短裤或直筒裤,裤子上有腰头、带襻、西裤前褶、插袋以及假门襟拉链。

    Some makers offer above mid-knee shorts or straight-legged trousers with waistband , belt carriers , front pleats , side pockets and mock fly zipper .

  22. 顾名思义,皮带扣是用于皮带的装饰,既具实用性和美观性,能够点缀普通平凡的牛仔裤和西裤。

    As the name suggests , is the buckle for the belt decoration , be both practical and aesthetic , it could embellished general jeans and trousers .

  23. 他建议说,千万不要显得好像最后一刻才脱下正式的套装西裤换上牛仔裤:不要用配西裤的花哨法式袖口衬衫搭配牛仔裤。

    And never dress as if the jeans had been switched out from formal suit pants at the last minute : No fancy French-cuffed shirts with jeans , he advises .

  24. 从上一季的绞花编织大衣,茧形的肩部有珠饰的编织上衣和与之搭配的剪裁利落的礼服西裤,可以很清楚地看出开云交给王的任务——那就是给巴黎世家注入现代和青春的活力。

    Last season 's bonded cable-knit coats and cocooning pearl-shouldered knits over slick black-tie trousers clearly fulfill his Kering-given mandate to bring some modernity and youthful energy to the house .

  25. 他那身李维斯501牛仔裤配黑色高领套头衫的经典着装在上世纪九十年代就是创新的同义词;如今在科技领域,穿着西裤会引来怀疑的目光。

    His uniform of Levi's501s and a black turtleneck was synonymous with innovation in the '90s ; now , in the tech world , dressy pants can be viewed with suspicion .

  26. 由于松紧带是置于后片裤腰的夹套内,故其外表同一般西裤并无异样。

    The elastic belt is arranged in the jacket of the back flap trouser waist , so that the appearance of the utility model is the same as a general pair of western trousers .

  27. 这名帅气的英国演员在霍比特电影里扮演史矛革,当他身穿蓝丝绒西装外套和黑色西裤,面容清秀地闪亮登场后立刻引起了粉丝的尖叫。

    The handsome British actor , who plays Smaug in the Hobbit movies , garnered loud screams from the fans , while looking clean-cut in in his blue velvet suit jacket and black trousers .

  28. 我有一套西服,包括上衣和西裤,领带以及腰带,用来参加婚礼,葬礼,工作面试等。

    Naturally , I have one nice suit to wear to weddings , funerals , and job interviews , with a suit coat , tie , a belt with a nice-looking buckle , and pants .

  29. 用本实用新型的结构可使衣着更加齐整服贴,适用于各男女西裤长裤、休闲裤及短(裙)裤等。

    The structure of the utility model can make the dress be more neat , which is applicable for the trousers , casual trousers and short pants ( short skirt ) of men and women .

  30. 女性通常可以用短裙或者配套的上衣来展现自己的女性美。但是男人却不可以穿错,西裤搭配带纽扣的开领衬衫,再穿上一双不易走样的鞋。

    Women can play up their feminine side with dress pants or a skirt paired with a soft or billowy top , while men can 't go wrong with dress pants , an open collar button down shirt and nonathletic shoes .