
  1. 西沙某岛水域海水细菌调查

    Bacteriological investigation of sea waters around an island of Xi-Sha archipelago

  2. 西沙驻岛人员性行为的表达及性心理、性知识的调查研究

    Sex Behaviors , Sex Psychology , and Sex Knowledge of Personnel Stationed in Xisha Islands

  3. 西沙至海南岛南部水域污损生物中的苔藓虫

    Bryozoa in the fouling organisms in water from Xisha Islands to the southern Hainan Island

  4. 西沙群岛金银岛和东岛礁平台的分带特点

    Zonation characteristics of the reef flat of the Xisha islands , guangdong province , china

  5. 前后作业海域距离中国西沙群岛中建岛和西沙群岛领海基线均17海里,距离越南大陆海岸约133至156海里。

    The two locations of operation are 17 nautical miles from both the Zhongjian Island of Chinas Xisha Islands and the baseline of the territorial waters of Xisha Islands , yet approximately 133 to 156 nautical miles away from the coast of the Vietnamese mainland .

  6. 在潜入西沙的第二个晚上,我们的船只经过了西沙群岛主岛永兴岛以及七连屿。

    On the second night , our boat passed Phu Lam and Tri Ton islands , parts of the Hoang Sa archipelago that have been controlled by Chinese for36 years .