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  1. 四旬期是慕道者为洗礼作近准备,而已领洗的教友专务更新的四十天。

    For the catechumens , lent is a period of proximate preparation for baptism , and for the baptized it is forty days of renewal .

  2. 在「四旬期」我们需要打破日常规律,腾出一点时间,重新审视天主在每人身上所作的奇妙化工。

    Lent is the time of the year where we take some time off our daily routine and try discovering more closely the actions of God in our lives .

  3. 旧约圣经已经如此教导我们,而基督信徒早在初世纪的时候便已奉行这个教导,特别是在将临期和四旬期的时候如此作。

    The Old Testament taught this , and from the earliest centuries Christians have accepted and applied this lesson , especially at the times of advent and lent .

  4. 就让我们一起祈求四旬期这准备的时刻,最终能结出丰盛的果实,让我们一同庆祝主基督的光荣复活。

    Let us pray together that our preparation during this time of Lent will be a fruitful one and we may be ready to celebrate together the happiness of the Risen Christ .

  5. 四旬期玫瑰不根本不是真正的玫瑰,但它的花让我们想起在中心有一丛密集短花蕊的单瓣玫瑰花。

    The Lenten rose is not really a rose at all , but it 's flower shape reminds us of a single petaled rose with a tuft of dense short stamens in the center .