
  • 网络Silang;Shiro
  1. 共同创始人洪沙伦(SharonHung)和克里斯四郎•格林(ChrisYoshiroGreen)从日本进口制作精美的产品,宣传日本以其流线型的美学和缺乏装饰而闻名的设计。

    Co-founders Sharon Hung and Chris Yoshiro Green import exquisitely crafted products from Japan , propagating the streamlined aesthetic and lack of embellishment for which Japanese design is famous .

  2. 橘四郎,一个酷酷的家伙。

    Shiro Tachibana , a cool guy .

  3. 最新的问题,亨氏食品婴儿谷物和四郎众议院蒸土豆芥末饼干。

    The latest problematic foods were Heinz baby cereal and Silang House steamed potato wasabi crackers .

  4. 京剧《四郎探母》是一出脍炙人口、百多年来久演不衰的优秀传统戏,经过许多京剧名家的加工和锤炼,现已形成不同的艺术风格和唱腔流派。

    ' The Fourth Son Visits His Mother'is a well-known traditional Peking opera that has been performed for a century in different artistic and vocal styles developed by Peking Opera maestros .