
  1. 社会主义市场经济与法的关系

    The Relation between the Socialist Market Economy and Law

  2. 循环经济与科技法的价值转向

    Circular Economy and Values Redirection in Laws of Science & Technology

  3. 经济哲学与法哲学的价值整合

    Value Conformity Of Philosophy Of Economy To Philosophy Of Law

  4. 知识经济与行政法的互动适应

    On Mutual Adjustment between Knowledge Economy and Administrative Law

  5. 知识经济与经济法的视角转换

    Knowledge Economy and Change of Perspective of Economic Statutes

  6. 市场经济与经济法的调整对象

    Market Economy and Objects Adjusted by Economic Law

  7. 文章对市场经济与物权法的关系作了较好的分析,特别对日本担保物权法的创立和发展作了详细介绍。

    This article makes quite good analysis on the relations between the market oriented economy and the real law , especially makes detailed introduction on the foundation and development of guarantees'real law .

  8. 文章就外资并购立法与WTO、规模经济与反垄断法、外资并购审查制度和外资并购的法律冲突等法律问题进行研究,提出了自己的看法。

    We see it necessary to look into the issues of legislation of foreign capital sponsored merger and acquisition and WTO , economy of scale and antitrust laws , supervision system over foreign capital sponsored merger and acquisition and some other legal problems .

  9. 中国经济法与行政法的混同:现实图景及原因背景分析

    On the Mix-Up of China 's Economic Law and Administrative Law

  10. 经济法与行政法理念之比较

    The comparison of the economic law and the administrative law

  11. 区域经济一体化与国际法上国家主权

    Regional Economic Integration and the State Sovereignty of International Law

  12. 从历史沿革探究经济法与民商法的关系

    The Historical Analysis of the Economy Law and the Citizens and Businessmen Law

  13. 经济法与行政法关系之精神透视

    The Spirit Perspective of Economic Law and Administrative Law

  14. 经济全球化与物权法的国际化

    Economic Globalization and Internationalization of the Real Law

  15. 文章分为四章,第一章是中国经济转型与经济法的概述。

    Chapter I is a brief introduction of Chinese economic transformation and economic law .

  16. 市场经济特质与民商法之品格

    The Feature of the Market Economy and the Quality of the Civil and Commercial Law

  17. 试析经济法与行政法的区分

    Difference between Economic Law and Administrative Law

  18. 社会整体经济效益与经济法效益是两个不同的概念。

    The social general economical benefits and benefits of economic law are two different conceptions .

  19. 经济法与社会法相互配合,共同促进社会的全面发展。

    The mutual coordination of the economy law and society law , promote commonly the all-around development .

  20. 经济法与社会法之间的关系问题涉及到经济法的健康发展。

    The relationship between Economic Law and Social Law is important to the healthy development of Economic Law .

  21. 正确认识经济法与行政法等部门法的关系。

    Understanding the relationship amomg economic law , administrative law and statutes in other department correctly is significant .

  22. 经济法与行政法作为外在制度的表现形式应成为规制政府行为的法律。

    As the external manifestation , economic law and administrative law shall be the laws to regulate governmental actions .

  23. 经济法与社会法关系考辨&兼与董保华先生商榷

    Investigating and Analysing the Relationship Between the Economic Law and the Social Law & lso consulting with Mr. Dong Bao-hua

  24. 本文从经济法与行政法产生背景和本质差异的角度来比较两部门法中国家主体的不同,认为在经济法中国家主体是积极主动、创造性的;

    The article compares the country body in Economic Law And Administrative Law from the essence and the social background .

  25. 其中,经济法与社会法的功能组合对于修复这种断裂尤为重要。

    Functional combination between the economic law and the social law is very important to restore rupture between economy and society .

  26. 历史上对经济法与民商法的关系形成了多种认识。

    In the history has formed many kinds of understandings to the economic rules and regulations and the people commercial law relations .

  27. 分清经济法与行政法的不同之处,对于明确经济法的地位,促进经济法与行政法的有效实施,完成经济法学的学科使命,具有非常重要的意义。

    Distinguishing the difference between economic law and administration law is of great importance to the effective implementation of such laws and regulations .

  28. 法律知识的还欠缺,特别是欧盟经济与国际贸易法还需要进一步学习。

    The knowledge returning back is deficient in , European Union economy and international trade law need a law to study further especially .

  29. 关于经济法与行政法的关系这一问题,多年来一直是法学界关注的话题。国内外法学界从不同角度对经济法与行政法的关系进行了探讨。

    The relation between economic law and administrative law has been the concern topic in the research field of law for long years , and it was discussed by scholars at home and abroad from different angles .

  30. WTO规则的经济性与中国经济法的改革

    Economic Characteristics of the WTO Rules and the Economic Law Reform in China