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  • subway;underground
  1. 地下铁车资将会从一九九九年四月一日起涨价。

    Subway fares will be raised as of april1st , 1999 .

  2. 你喜欢坐地下铁吗?

    A : Do you like to take the subway ?

  3. 首先,较好的公共交通系统,包括公共汽车、火车和地下铁,会鼓励更多人去乘坐而不会自己开车,如此便能减少道路上整体的交能流量,让人们往来的速度更快。

    First of all , better public transportation systems , including buses , trains and subways , will encourage more people to use them rather than drive their own cars . This will reduce the total amount of traffic on the roads and make travel quicker for everyone .

  4. 地下铁室铅室组合屏蔽低本底HPGeγ谱测量系统及其应用研究

    Low background HPGe γ spectroscopy system with lead shielding in underground iron room and its application

  5. 你需要知道这两家大公司:一个是日本最大的铁路公司——东日本旅客铁道株式会社(JREast);另一个是东京最大的地铁公司——东京地下铁株式会社(TokyoMetro)。

    The two big ones you 'll need to know are JR East , the largest railway system in Japan , and the Tokyo Metro , the city 's busiest subway system .

  6. 乘MTR地下铁的人数是以前一倍,让我对肩包敞开的坏习惯有了警觉。

    Twice people on the MTR , the underground railway , alert me to my bad habit of leaving my shoulder bag gaping open .

  7. 地下铁矿山发展循环经济的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Developing Recycling Economy of Underground Iron Mine

  8. 还包括公共快车道和一条新的地下铁路线。

    It also includes express bus lanes and a new subway line .

  9. 乘坐地下铁汽车由于缩成皱纹的,不锈钢边,不适合涂鸦。

    Subway car with corrugated , stainless-steel sides , unsuitable for graffiti .

  10. 市内的地下铁每天运载数十万乘客。

    The city subways carry hundreds of thousands of passengers a day .

  11. 地下铁公司担心这会吓跑乘客。

    The railway company feared it would scare away passengers .

  12. 这里的地下铁好搭吗?

    Are the subway trains easy to take here ?

  13. 资深者侧面平坦的类型地下铁汽车;油漆的最适当的表面。

    Older slab-sided type of subway car ; the most suitable surface for painting .

  14. 地下铁道路网规划的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Metro Network Planning

  15. 在地下铁车站。

    In A Station of the Metro .

  16. 你可以乘地下铁到那里。

    You can get there by subway .

  17. 今天坐地下铁时有人找我聊天。

    " On the subway today * " a man started a conversation with me .

  18. 我们在地下铁有个交货点。

    We got a drop spot underground .

  19. 每天挤地下铁上下班,帐单一大堆,不如死掉。

    And took the subway to work every day and worried about bills , were dead .

  20. 很多都市都有出租车、公车和地下铁帮助通车族上下班。

    Many cities have taxis , buses and subways to help commuters get to and from work .

  21. 那场戏拍的是一位女演员饰演女鬼,在地下铁车箱内与乘客坐在一起。

    The scene showed a female character dressed as a ghost , sitting among passengers on an MTR train .

  22. 它们藏在鼻腔与肺脏的内衬里,惟恐我们会在拥挤的地下铁吸入流感病毒。

    In the lining of our nose and lungs , lest we inhale the influenza virus in a crowded subway car .

  23. 很明显,飓风桑迪袭击纽约地下铁隧道之后,大多数老鼠都幸存了下来,并没有出现预期的老鼠启示录般的景象。

    Apparently most rats survived hurricane Sandy 's wrath on New York City 's subway tunnels , averting the anticipated Ratpocalypse .

  24. 相对地地下铁汽车的新不锈钢类型,如此为接近地在门之前仅仅响的铃命名。

    Relatively new stainless-steel type of subway car , so named for the bell that rings just before the doors close .

  25. 1991年开始运营的大江户线,为方便乘客进入地下铁,安装了电梯和电动扶梯。

    The oedo line , which began operations in1991 , has installed elevators and escalators for easy passenger access to street-level exits .

  26. 本课程探讨商业区历史发展的特殊因素,包括地下铁、摩天楼、高速公路、都市更新和购物中心。

    The course will consider specific elements of downtown history , including subways , skyscrapers , highways , urban renewal , and retail centers .

  27. 首先,较好的公共交通系统,包括公共汽车、火车和地下铁,会鼓励更多人去乘坐而不会自己开车。

    Better public transportation systems , including buses , trains and subways , will encourage more people to use them rather than drive their own cars .

  28. 如果你寻觅完美伴侣无果,原因可能深得让你无法想象,深到在地下铁里才能找到。

    If you 've been looking for the perfect partner without success , the answer could be deeper than you realised . Deeper underground that is .

  29. 如果从市区过来的话,我建议你从卡迪夫搭地下铁到丹伯利,然后从丹伯利搭计程车来机场只要一个钟头。

    From downtown , I suggest that you take the subway from Cardiff to Danbury , and then take a taxi from Danbury to the airport .

  30. 美国不是没有大众运输工具,很多都市都有出租车、公车和地下铁帮助通车族上下班。

    It 's not that there 's no public transportation in America . Many cities have taxis , buses and subways to help commuters get to and from work .