
  • 网络Seismic moment;seismic moment, Mo
  1. 华北地区地壳形变的GPS及地震矩张量反演分析

    Analyze Crustal Deformation in North China by Inverting Seismic Moment Tensors and GPS Velocity

  2. 川滇地区地壳应变场的GPS与地震矩张量联合反演研究

    Current Crustal Strain Field in the Sichuan-Yunnan Area by Joint Inversion of GPS and Seismic Moment Tensor

  3. 华北地区大地震矩释放率和GPS应变率的一致性研究

    On the Consistency of Large Earthquake Moment and Strain Rate Inferred from GPS Data in North China

  4. GPS观测量与地震矩张量联合反演地壳水平运动速度场的方法

    A method of joint inversion of GPS observations and seismic moment tensors for determining crustal horizontal velocity field

  5. 用近震尾波估算北京地区的尾波激发因子B(f0)和地震矩

    Estimation of the Coda Source Factor B ( f0 ) and the Seismic Moments for the Local Earthquakes in Beijing Area

  6. 用近震尾波估算昆明及其周围地区的Q值和地震矩

    Q values and seismic moments estimates using the coda waves of near earthquakes in the Kunming and surrounding regions

  7. 在联合反演中,GPS资料主要作用在于确定地壳运动的现时性,地震矩的作用主要是确定运动的趋势性。

    In the joint inversion study , the update status of crust movement mainly ascertained by GPS data , but the trend of the movement mainly ascertained by seismic moment tensor data .

  8. 计算得到地震矩为1.5×10(22)N·cm,说明唐山地震前后一年内的垂直形变是同震变化。

    The seismic moment calculated is 1 . 5 × 10 ( 22 ) N · cm . It indicates that the vertical deformation within one year before and after earthquake is coseismic variations .

  9. 地震矩张量元素M(rr)的空间分布与中国大陆岩石层地块

    Seismic moment tensor element m_ ( rr ) as a simplified representation of crustal potential energy change : its spatial distribution pattern and relation to the continental tectonic blocks in China

  10. 从这一观点出发,根据尾波随掠过时间的衰减特性,结合地震矩对数和地方震里克特地震级的线性关系,导出利用任一掠过时间的震尾来计算的尾波震级Mc公式。

    On this view , in consideration of linear relation between the seismic moment and the local Richter magnitude , a formula of the coda magnitude M_c is derived by using seismic coda of any lapse time , measured from the earthquake origin time .

  11. 从频谱曲线上得到拐角频率fo的不确定数是1.31,地震矩Mo的不确定数是1.43。采用平均的方法,可将应力降Δσ的不确定数由2.4降到1.6。

    The certain numeral of the corner frequency ( fo ) is 1.31 and the uncertain one of the seismic moment ( Mo ) 1.43 respectively from the spectral lines The uncertain factor of stress drop can be reduced from 2.4 to 1.6 by using mean method .

  12. 地震矩与拐角频率呈现出良好的双对数关系,且该地区的地震应力降与震源半径之间的关系在震源半径小于300m时与圆盘静态破裂模式理论关系较吻合。

    The relation between the moment and corner frequency takes on double logarithmic law . When the source radius is smaller than 300 m , the relation between the stress drop and source radius tallies with the theoretical law of the disk static rupture model .

  13. 整个破裂持续了约142s.破裂过程可粗略地分为3个阶段:第一阶段,从第0s开始至第52s结束,持续了52s,释放的地震矩约为总地震矩的24.4%;

    The entire rupture lasted for 142 s , and the source process could be roughly separated into three stages : The first stage started at the 0 s and ended at the 52 s , lasting for 52 s and releasing approximately 24.4 % of the total moment ;

  14. 地震矩5.2×10~(24)达因·厘米;

    Seismic moment , 5.2 × 1026 dyne - cm ;

  15. 地震矩张量反演在地震观测报告中的应用

    The application of seismic moment tensor inversion to bulletin of seismological observation

  16. 喜马拉雅块体现今运动学特征的地震矩张量反演分析

    Characteristic Analysis of Deformations in Himalaya Block by Inverting Seismic Moment Tensors

  17. 由速度谱测定微震的地震矩

    Determination of seismic moment m_0 from the velocity spectra of earthquake wave

  18. 用长周期体波反演地震矩张量及其实际意义

    Seismic moment tensor inversion using long period body wave and its actual significance

  19. 统计检验表明,地震矩释放表现出持久性质。

    The statistical examination indicates that seismic moment release has shown lasting behaviors .

  20. 地震矩、震级、震源尺度及应力降之间相互关系的研究

    Study on relationship among moment , magnitude , source size and stress drop

  21. 利用地震矩张量初步分析断裂带的运动学特征

    Preliminary analysis of kinematic features of a fault zone by seismic moment tensors

  22. 障碍体和凹凸体对地震矩的影响

    Effects of barriers and asperities on seismic moment

  23. m,地震矩与震源半径之间呈线性关系。

    The relation between seismic moment and the rupture radius remains a linear correlation .

  24. 地震矩比成像算法的发展及应用

    Development and application of the moment-ratio imaging algorithm

  25. 利用地震矩张量反演地壳运动水平速度场的理论和方法

    Theory and method of inversing horizontal velocity field of crustal movement by seismic moment tensor

  26. 90年代后,地震矩释放速率有所回升。

    Since 1990s , the rate of seismic moment release has increased to some extent .

  27. 第一章简要介绍了辐射能量、地震矩、视应力、折合能量等基本概念及研究进展。

    Introduce concepts of radiated energy , seismic moment , apparent stress and reduced energy .

  28. 目前,折合能量-地震矩定标关系仍然是一个争议之中的问题。解决这一问题需要更多的观测资料,特别是区域性和地方性的观测资料。

    To resolve this question requires more observational data , especially local and regional data .

  29. 2009年8月9日日本伊豆群岛地震矩张量解

    Quick moment tensor solution of the August 9 , 2009 Izu Islands , Japan earthquake

  30. 地震矩和应力降都呈现出随震级而单调递增的规律性变化。

    The trend that scalar seismic moment and stress drop increase with magnitude was obvious .