
  • 网络Moderate strong earthquake;mid-strong earthquake
  1. 用b值截距法预报中强震震级的方法研究

    Research on method predicting moderate earthquake magnitude by b-value interception

  2. 多数中强震发生在低b值异常过程中;

    Large number of quakes occur in the process of low b value anomaly ;

  3. 稳健估计b值及中强震异常特征研究

    Research on robust estimation of b value and abnormal characteristics before moderate and strong earthquake

  4. 结果表明:南天山东段中强震震源断错以倾滑逆断为主,主压应力P轴由西到东呈扇形分布;

    The result show , most of the medium-strong earthquakes faults are dip-slip reversed , distribution of the main stress P axis is sector from west to east ;

  5. 中国大陆中强震中长期预测的WDM方法

    WDM method for long-wd-term predication of middle and strong earthquake in the Chinese continent

  6. 本文利用振幅衰减系数和卓越频率衰减系数计算中强震前的小震Q值。

    Using the attenuation coefficients of amplitude and predominant frequency , the small-event Q value before moderate-strong events has been calculated .

  7. 作为应用实例,将最小二乘估计法b值与稳健估计b值的偏离度作为中强震的前兆判定指标,对新疆地区b值进行时间扫描。

    As an application example , difference ( Db ) between b value by least square estimation and by robust estimation is used as a discriminating index for precursor of moderate and strong earthquake .

  8. 系统研究了多种地震活动性方法后认为,1970年以来华北地区发生的Ms≥5.8中强震前,约83%具有3级或4级地震异常条带、孕震空区及信号震出现。

    After studying different kinds of earthquake activities systematically , we have found that about 83 % of the anomalous seismic bands , seismogenic gaps and signal earthquakes with magnitudes 3 or 4 appeared at the same time before moderately strong earthquakes ( ML36 ) since 1970 in North China .

  9. 利用地震活动群集度指标CV值对华北地区16次中强地震前CV值与地震活动的关系进行了分析和研究,发现在中强震前1&3年CV值显示高值异常。

    The relation is analyzed and studied between earthquake swarm degree value C-V and seismic activity before 16 moderate and strong earthquakes in North China , and it is found that the value C-V showed high-value anomaly 1-3 years before the moderate and strong earthquakes .

  10. 对于150km范围内的中强震,43号泉可观测到明显的中短期异常,异常一般在震前5个月左右出现;

    Maybe this has something to do with the long distance of ground flow of the rainfall , The medium and short term earthquake precursor anomaly caused by mid and strong earthquakes within 150 km range can be observed obviously with the spring no.

  11. 实验还表明AHC-BSVM对小震的预报准确率要高于中强震,误警率低于中强震。(2)当设置的阈值较大时,我们可以预测强震。

    And it also shows that it has higher accuracy and lower false alarm rate to predict the small earthquake than to predict the medium one by AHC-BSVM . ( 2 ) When the threshold is large , we can predict the strong earthquake .

  12. 唐山大地震后华北地区中强震活动空间分布

    Spatial distribution of moderate earthquakes in North China after Tangshan earthquake

  13. 1976年松潘大震前中强震的活动特征

    The moderate earthquake before large Songpan earthquake in 19 7 6

  14. 云南近期3次中强震的天文背景

    Astronomical background of recent three moderate and strong earthquakes in Yunnan

  15. 试论中强震发生地点与中短期前兆空间分布的关系

    Relation between the strong earthquake location and spatial distribution of medium-and-short-term precursors

  16. 中强震的地应变临震前兆

    The impending earthquake precursor of ground strain before moderate earthquakes

  17. 地下水动态多年周期与中强震多发期

    Yearly period of groundwater dynamics and earthquake high frequency period

  18. 云南中强震的水氡前兆异常特征

    Precursory Anomaly Characteristics of Radon in Groundwater before Moderate-strong Earthquakes in Yunnan Province

  19. 江苏及邻区中强震的灰色马尔柯夫模型

    Grey Markov models of moderately strong earthquakes in Jiangsu and its neighboring area

  20. 东北地区浅源中强震及深震与西太平洋板块俯冲

    Shallow moderate and deep earthquake in Northeast China and Western Pacific plate subduction

  21. 华东地区未来中强震的概率预测

    Probability forecast for moderate strong earthquake in East China

  22. 1991~2002年新疆中强震震源机制解分析

    Analysis of focal-mechanism solution of moderately strong earthquakes in Xinjiang from 1991 to 2002

  23. 新疆2次中强震的预报尝试

    Trial prediction of two moderate earthquakes in Xinjiang

  24. 共轭断层区中强震发震类型的预测和震型速判

    Prediction on Seismogenic patterns with quick distinguishing moderate strong earthquakes in conjugate fracture region

  25. 中强震和强震的调制模式及预报意义

    The modulation mode of moderate-strong and strong earthquakes and its significance in earthquake prediction

  26. 地震动态空区法预报中强震的进一步讨论

    The further discussion on seismicity dynamic gap in the prediction of moderate or strong earthquakes

  27. 研究表明在某些方面,8月15日中强震序列反映出其前震特征,而11月6日强震序列则明显反映出双震型地震的特征。

    Whereas the strong earthquake sequence on Nov. 6 obviously presented features of twin shocks .

  28. 东南沿海地震区东部中强震活动特征

    The characteristics of moderate-strong seismicity in the eastern part of Southeast China coast seismic region

  29. 淮河流域中强震活动区的地震构造背景

    Seismotectonic setting of the seismically active zone of moderate earthquakes along the Huaihe River valley

  30. 大同地区几次中强震前后的重力变化

    Analysis on gravity change before and after several moderately strong earthquakes in Datong region , shanxi