
  • 网络Chinese Folk Dance
  1. 试论新时期中国民间舞蹈的生存与发展

    Existence and Development of the Chinese Folk Dance in the New Period

  2. 第二部分为概述,介绍了中国民间舞蹈的内涵和特点。

    The second part introduces the connotation and characteristics of Chinese folk dance .

  3. 中国民间舞蹈文化类型的分组

    Classification of Chinese Folk Dances ' Cultural Types

  4. 这是一种中国民间舞蹈,名叫扇子舞。

    It 's a kind of Chinese folk dance , called the fan dance .

  5. 论中国民间舞蹈中的三道弯

    On San Dao Wan in Chinese Folk Dances

  6. 浅谈中国民间舞蹈的现代审美价值

    Contemporaneous Aesthetic Value of Chinese Folk Dance

  7. 中国民间舞蹈作为中国文化的一部分,必然受其深厚的影响。

    As part of Chinese culture , Chinese folk dances are inevitably affected by this trend .

  8. 中国民间舞蹈来源于民间,是民间传统文化的一种流传形式。

    Coming from the people , the Chinese folk dance is a kind of form of spreading the traditional folk culture .

  9. 作者根据我国音乐学界提出的民间音乐文化分组将中国民间舞蹈文化类型分为十组,并对各组的特点及其主要舞种做了概括。

    The author classifies them into ten groups according to cultural classification of folk music raised by Chinese music circle , and summerizes each group 's features and main dance types .

  10. 本文对前人有关中国民间舞蹈文化类型的划分提出异议,认为五大文化类型和六个舞蹈文化区的分类方法缺乏逻辑性。

    The paper challenges the former classification of Chinese folk dances ' cultural types , deeming it logically unsound to divide them into five major cultural types and six dancing cultural zones .

  11. 我有奖学金,我也教中国的民间舞蹈。

    I had a scholarship . I also taught Chinese folk dancing .

  12. 本文的论述主要着力于以下几个方面:首先是对中国民族民间舞蹈概念的廓清。

    Firstly is making clear the concept of Chinese ethnic and folk dance .

  13. 中国民族民间舞蹈服饰的艺术表现

    Artistic Expression of Chinese Folk Dance Dress

  14. 传统和现代必定成为缠绕中国民族民间舞蹈创作的终极命题。

    Tradition and modern will become an ultimate proposition for Chinese ethnic and folk dance .

  15. 回族民间舞蹈是中国民族民间舞蹈中具有代表性的舞蹈表现形式之。

    The hui nationality folk dance is typical of Chinese national folk dance dance forms .

  16. 最后对当代中国民族民间舞蹈创作的文化现象形成系统的完整认识。

    Lastly is coming to a systemic full understanding on the cultural phenomena of contemporary Chinese ethnic and folk dance .

  17. 当代中国民族民间舞蹈创作是中国当代文化建设的重要组成部分,尤其要认识到其具有鲜明中国特色的社会主义文艺属性。

    It is an important part of the whole construction of Chinese contemporary culture , especially has vivid socialist attribute with Chinese characteristic .

  18. 中国民族民间舞蹈是具有中国特色的多层次概念,不同层次之间的界面具有可伸缩的弹性,在交流中互相影响融合形成一个完整的体系。

    The concept is a multi-level concept with Chinese characteristic . Every level have flexible interface and interconnect and interact each other to establish a completed system .

  19. 本论文首先归纳总结了中国民族民间舞蹈钢琴伴奏的发展现状,论述了中国民族民间舞蹈钢琴伴奏音乐的特点、作用和对伴奏者的要求。

    First of all , this paper summarizes the current development of the piano accompaniment of Chinese folk dance and makes a detailed account of the characteristics , roles and requirements for the accompanist .

  20. 香港舞蹈团是本港唯一职业中国舞蹈团,上演中国传统民间舞蹈及以中国和香港为主题的原创舞剧。

    The Hong Kong Dance Company is the only professional Chinese Dance Company in Hong Kong to present Chinese traditional and folk dances and original dance dramas on Chinese and Hong Kong themes .