
bēn téng
  • Pentium;gallop;surge forward
奔腾 [bēn téng]
  • (1) [gallop]∶[许多马] 跳跃着奔跑

  • 犹如万马奔腾

  • (2) [surge forword]∶比喻水流汹涌

  • 洪水奔腾而来

奔腾[bēn téng]
  1. 他在林荫道上跑着,发出的声音就像十匹马在奔腾。

    He ran down the avenue , making a noise like ten horses at a gallop .

  2. 平静的河水突然中断,开始奔腾直泻而下。

    The calm water ends there and the river begins a headlong plunge .

  3. 他们的马奔腾着、嘶鸣着。

    Their horses pranced and whinnied .

  4. 当他在瀑布边缘小心攀爬时,水就在他左边奔腾。

    The water roiled to his left as he climbed carefully at the edge of the waterfall .

  5. 急流汹涌奔腾。

    The torrents of water rushed ahead with a terrifying force .

  6. 小山涧奔腾而下,流向平原。

    Little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain .

  7. 历史洪流气势磅礴,奔腾向前。

    The historical tide is surging forward with great momentum .

  8. 洪水奔腾澎湃漫过溪谷。

    The floods surged over the valley .

  9. 大江奔腾,一泻千里。

    The ( Changjiang ) River rolls and roars on and on for a thousand li .

  10. 他在凝望着激流奔腾的河水。

    He was musing upon the rushing torrents of the river .

  11. 新科技革命和产业变革的时代浪潮奔腾而至,如果我们不应变、不求变,将错失发展机遇,甚至错过整个时代。

    If we do not move proactively to adapt to the surging tide of new scientific revolution and industrial transformation , we risk missing valuable opportunities or even falling behind the times . We should be good reformers and pioneers .

  12. 现在你只需要花几千元就能买到奔腾IV了。

    Now , you can buy a pentium IV for only several thousand yuan .

  13. CPU由几兆主频的8086发展到现在千兆的奔腾四代,主流操作系统也历经四代,功能日趋强大。

    CPU became from 8086 to PIX and the operating system also experienced from 4 generations .

  14. 本文介绍了一种在奔腾4处理器微机上Linux操作系统下的优化编译方法。

    A compiler optimization method under Linux operation system on Pentium 4 processor computer is introduced in this paper .

  15. 新一代微处理器采用动态执行技术,以奔腾pro命名。

    The new generation cpu adopt dynamic execution techniques . It is name after . PENTIUM PRO .

  16. 动态执行技术的CPU-奔腾PRO

    Dynamic Execution CPU-PENTIUM PRO

  17. 论文提出一种基于Intel奔腾SIMD指令的快速背景提取方法。

    A fast background subtraction algorithm based on Intel SIMD technology is presented in this paper .

  18. 基于奔腾SIMD和分割技术的快速体绘制

    A Fast Volume Rendering Algorithm Based on Intel SIMD and Segmentation Technologies

  19. 介绍了一种比较简单实用的方案,允许所有局域网用户通过一台已淘汰的386、486或奔腾PC计算机作为共享器连接到Internet。

    This paper introduces a more simple and practicable scheme that all LAN users are permitted to connect with Internet through one eliminated 386 / 486 or Pentium PC computer as a sharer .

  20. AMD并不是唯一牵涉到伊朗获得半导体芯片问题的公司。在2001年,Amirkabir大学的科学家建立了32个节点的基于英特尔奔腾III处理器的PC群集。

    In2001 boffins at Amirkabir University built a32-node PC cluster based on Pentium III processors from Intel .

  21. 使用Intel编译器优化中尺度模式MM5在奔腾4上的运行

    Using Intel compiler to optimize mesoscale model mm5 ′ s performance on Pentium 4 processor

  22. 在分析并行接口EPP模式通信原理的基础上设计了奔腾PC原理和接口技术的开发平台。

    Based on the analysis of the principle of EPP mode , the development platform of Pentium PC principle and interface technology is designed .

  23. 超高速处理器,如300兆赫的奔腾处理器或新的64位(比特)处理器,我们已经在为它们开发WindowsNT揉作系统;

    in fact if anything it 's speeding up.Very high speed processors like 300MHz Pentiums , or new 64 bit processors that we 're already developing Windows NT for ;

  24. 为了提高全球定位系统接收机定位精度的可靠性,研究了一种基于Xilinx公司的FPGA和Intel公司奔腾处理器的民用接收机。

    To improve the reliability of GPS receiver position precision , a new civil receiver was studied , which is based on FPGA produced by Xilinx company and Intel Pentium processor .

  25. 新款CULV处理器产品上市之后,将取代目前现有低电压Corei5/i7笔记本处理器,处理器的频率将有所提升,而且Corei3/奔腾/赛扬等型号的价格也将十分低廉。

    The new CULV line appears to replace Intel 's existing low-voltage Core i5 and i7 CPUs with faster models , while adding lower-cost options in the Core i3 , Pentium , and Celeron families .

  26. 很多人想想都会拒绝吃Seabiscuit(电影《奔腾年代》中马的名字&译注)。

    Many balk at the idea of biting into Seabiscuit .

  27. 除了苹果公司,HBO喜剧《硅谷》(SiliconValley)还讲述了一家初创公司的艰辛之路,AMC电视剧《奔腾年代》(HaltandCatchFire)呈现了20世纪80年代蓬勃发展的个人电脑产业。

    Beyond Apple , there 's " Silicon Valley , " the HBO comedy about the travails of a start-up , and " Halt and Catch Fire , " the AMC drama about the brutal personal computer business of the 1980s .

  28. 介绍了利用CCD固体摄像传感器和奔腾微机测量干涉条纹的方法,介绍了干涉条纹数字图像检测的原理和软件设计思想。

    A new method for the measurement of interference fringes by using a CCD solid state image sensor and a Pentium PC is introduced in this article . The principles of the digital image detection of interference fringes and the software designation are described .

  29. 铂电极被用作指示物质I-3的指示电级,装备有AD卡的奔腾电脑被用来同步记录动力学过程。

    Platinum electrode is used as an indicator electrode of I - 3 which is an indicator in this system , the kinetic process is recorded synchronously by Pentium computer equipped with an AD card .

  30. 今天的桌面软件只需要120MHz奔腾系统中的不到25%的处理能力。

    Desktop software today can require less than 25 percent of the power of a 120 MHz Pentium system .