
He called on them to unite and move forward at any pace they could , quoting Martin Luther King : If you can 't fly then run .
Run away , run away to the mountain shore .
Hit the ground running , you 'll be fine
Run , forward the unbound dark !
Come running with us through the pretty forest , you 'll feel so good !
However , the 25-year-old has surprised audiences with her " anti-baby " toughness in popular TV show Running Man .
Just as I reached for the car door , he yelled " RUN A WHILE " and sped off .
Zhejiang Television has recently revealed the cast for the 4th season of the Chinese game-variety show " Running Man . "
The chemistry between cast members , all big-name stars , keeps audiences coming back for more of Running Man each week .
In love , please running bravely , confirmedly and desperately , then even though tumbling , you also can say like this : We are florid .
Uncertainty is freedom . Take that freedom and run with it . And dont forget to eat some noodles as you go . Youll need the glucose .
Within love , also please , bravely , staunchly , run for all one is worth , And then , even if falling away one day , you also can say yourself is gorgeous .
The exhaust left behind from vehicles can increase the risk of heart disease and cancer , so slip on your jogging shoes in the early morning if you want to breathe in the cleanest air possible .
Some of the hottest Chinese programs , like Zhejiang Television 's game-variety show " Running Man " and Hunan Television 's reality show " Where Are We Going , Dad ? , " were based on South Korean formats .
Adapted versions of foreign shows , such as the Running Man and The Voice of China , imported from the Netherlands , have gained massive audiences as well as advertising revenues , thus inspiring more Chinese television groups to buy foreign material .