
  • 网络Where I Come;Where did I come from;where am i from
  1. 当她被问到"奶奶,我从哪里来的?"

    When she was asked , " Granny , where did I come from ? "

  2. 我从哪里来?

    Where did I come from ?

  3. 他知道发生了什么,我从哪里来。我是谁。

    He knows what happened . Where I came from . Who I am .

  4. 哥德尔用浓重的日耳曼口音回答:我从哪里来?

    Where I come from ? Austria , replied G ö del in heavy Teutonic tones .

  5. 有人不知道我从哪里来,也不知道我将流向何处。

    Nobody knows where I came from , and nobody knows where I will go to , too .

  6. 这个关于我从哪里来的漫长旅程,贯穿了北方国境线上由东至西数十个平凡的城镇村落。

    The journey about where I came from ran through dozens of common towns and villages on the northern frontier from east to west .

  7. 但我知道他们从哪里来&家。

    But I know where they are coming from & home .

  8. 她狡猾地咧嘴一笑,拒绝告诉我钱是从哪里来的。

    She grinned slyly and refused to tell me where the money came from .

  9. 因我知道我从哪里来,往哪里去;你们却不知道我从哪里来,往哪里去。

    But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going .

  10. 喂,难道我不知道你从哪里来吗?

    Say , don 't I know you from somewhere ?

  11. 可是现在我是从别人哪里偷来的。

    Now I 've stolen them from someone else .

  12. 有一次我问他从哪里搜集来这么多故事的。

    I asked him once where he had amassed such a fund of stories .

  13. 我不知道你从哪里来,但你不属于这里。

    I don 't know where you came from , but you don 't belong here .

  14. 亲爱的朋友,你是否问过自己这几个问题呢:我是谁,我从哪里来,我要到哪里去?

    Dear friend , ask yourself these questions : who am I ? Where am I from ? Where am I going ?

  15. 每个人都有必要自己走开,坐在一块岩石上,问自己,我是谁,我从哪里来,我要到哪里去?

    It is necessary for a man to go away by himself , to sit on a rock and ask , Who am I , where have I been , and where am I going ?

  16. 他回应了我的问候,还问我从哪里来。

    He replied my greetings and asked me where I came from .

  17. 我不愿让任何人知道我是从哪里来的。

    I did not want anybody to know where I had come from .

  18. 看看我的背景你就会知道我是从哪里来的。

    Look at my background , and you know where I 'm coming from .

  19. 有人不尊敬我,所以他要知道我是从哪里来的。

    Somebody was disrespecting me , so he 's got to understand where I 'm coming from .

  20. 我告诉过他我的名和我从哪里来。

    I told him my first name and where I was from .

  21. 抱紧我,请不要松开,别问我从哪里来。

    Hold me , just hold me please don 't ask me where I come from .

  22. 接着他连续问了我几个问题,问我去哪里、从哪里来。之后便让我把手放到背后。

    After asking me a couple of questions about where I 'd been , he told me to put my hands behind my back .

  23. 上帝啊,我希望我有一个园子,那样我就能知道一切从哪里来了。

    God , makes me wish I had a garden where I know exactly where everything comes from .

  24. 有一天我要拥有自己的房子,可我不会忘记我是谁我从哪里来。

    One day I 'll own my own house , but I won 't forget who I am or where I came from .

  25. 我的朋友已经回来了,看见我提着小桔灯,便问我从哪里来。

    My friend had come back . Seeing me with the little orange lamp , she asked me where I had been .

  26. 小祺:我也是,你记得吗,我们小时候问爸爸妈妈:”我是从哪里来的呢?”,

    Me too . Do you remember when we were little we would ask our parents where we came from ?

  27. 我岂可将饮食和为我剪羊毛人所宰的肉给我不知道从哪里来的人呢?

    Why should I take my bread and water , and the meat I have slaughtered for my shearers , and give it to men coming from who knows where ?