
  1. 毫无疑问,服兵役前的基础训练才是我的“新时代的黎明”!

    Without a doubt , the basic training that began my military service was " the dawn of a new era " for me .

  2. 阅读把我的生命引进了新时代。

    Reading opened a new era in my life .

  3. 但不管怎样,我觉得绝大多数的新时代议题都有一个基本的潜在主题。

    However , I feel that most all New Age topics have one basic underlying theme .

  4. 尽管我非常希望把这归罪与其他原因,但我最终还是不得不承认,我的坏习惯与新时代的技术没有太大关系,而是更多归因与拖延的老毛病。

    Though I desperately wanted to lay blame elsewhere , I finally had to admit that my bad habits had less to do with new-age technology and more to do with old-fashioned procrastination .