
bēn zǒu
  • run;rush about;hasten
奔走 [bēn zǒu]
  • (1) [rush about]∶为某种目的而奔波忙碌

  • 无奔走之劳矣。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

  • 永之人争奔走焉。--唐. 柳宗元《捕蛇者说》

  • (2) [hasten;run]∶很快地走;急行

奔走[bēn zǒu]
  1. 河流奔走,一路风景看过。

    The river run , see and through views .

  2. 我曾奔走寻找轮回建造者;

    I have run , not finding although seeking the builder of this house ;

  3. 她一直在大街上四处奔走寻找工作。

    She 's been tramping the streets looking for a job .

  4. 为了送给莎伦一件礼物,我一上午都在满城奔走寻觅。

    I 've been chasing around town all morning looking for a present for Sharon .

  5. 他在西非四处奔走,为自己的运动争取支持。

    He travelled around West Africa trying to muster support for his movement

  6. 他为裁军运动和反对核武器扩散而奔走。

    He campaigned for peace and against the spread of nuclear weapons .

  7. 她昨天一整天都在街上四处奔走,搜集证据。

    She spent all day yesterday tramping the streets , gathering evidence .

  8. 国际货币基金组织(imf)的官员们奔走于各个遭遇危机重击的国家之间。

    Officials from the International Monetary Fund raced from one crisis-hit country to the next .

  9. 在全球政策制定者在即将召开?0国集团峰会(g20)之前四处奔走,试图找出修复存在严重缺陷的金融体系的方法之际,规模不再是唯一令他们头疼的问题。

    As global policymakers thrash around ahead of the forthcoming G20 summit , trying to work out how to fix a deeply flawed financial system , size is no longer their only headache .

  10. 在11岁儿子卢克(Luke)被他的父亲谋杀后,贝蒂开始到处奔走宣传,上月她因此而当选为澳大利亚年度人物。凶手是她的前伴侣,也是她的同事,患有心理疾病。

    Last month Ms Batty was appointed Australian of the Year for her campaign work following the murder of her 11-year-old son Luke by his father , a former partner and workmate of hers who had mental health problems .

  11. 当然,在此方案中处理用户信息所需的时间也会大大缩短,因为我们不需要在Web服务器(位于DMZ)、应用服务器和数据库服务器间来回奔走。

    Of course , the time it takes us to log a user in is much shorter as well since we don 't have to cross back and forth from the web server ( in the DMZ ) to the App server , to the DB server .

  12. 我知道你们要不断地奔走。

    Hooker : I know you boys have gotta keep moving .

  13. 在波斯尼亚战争中,他四处为塞尔维亚人奔走。

    He campaigned for the Serbs in the Bosnian war .

  14. 一个纽约人正在举着这个语言学上的耀眼火炬奔走宣传。

    And one New Yorker is carrying the linguistic torch .

  15. 许多科学家正在代表我们奔走游说。

    A number of scientists are campaigning on our behalf .

  16. 他们为使当地学校不致关闭而奔走活动。

    They were campaign to keep the local school open .

  17. 车载着我奔走四方,铸就了我的适应性。

    The mobility of my gypsy wagon is responsible for my adaptability .

  18. 约翰到处奔走见客户已经有三个星期了。

    John had been on the road visiting clients for three weeks .

  19. 这种动物机警多疑,奔走敏捷.

    They were alert and suspicious animals and ran about with agility .

  20. 为情人柳德米拉而奔走呼告的活动却促使茂文的学术事业付之东流。

    The campaign for Lyudmila cost Mervyn his academic career .

  21. 谁来为公共利益奔走呐喊?

    Who then will speak for the common good ?

  22. 他们成功地奔走游说使他们的方案得以采纳。

    They successfully campaigned to get their scheme accepted .

  23. 她锲而不舍地奔走努力争取她丈夫释放出狱。

    She has campaigned relentlessly to secure her husband 's release from prison .

  24. 结1:14这活物往来奔走、好像电光一闪。

    And the living beings ran to and fro like bolts of lightning .

  25. 最激动人心、惊险刺激的是骑士们在奔走的马背上击碎木桶。

    The most exciting and thrilling event is knocking the bucket on horseback .

  26. 他们为挽救当地的电影院而积极奔走游说。

    They actively campaigned to save their local cinema .

  27. 你好,我在为戏剧社的一出剧奔走。

    Hi , I 'm working on a play for the theater department .

  28. 十个印第安小男孩,为了吃饭去奔走;

    Ten little Indian boys going out to dine ;

  29. 他用了1小时左右奔走游说。

    He put in an hour or so campaigning .

  30. 她由于工作的关系到处奔走。

    Her work took her all over the place .