
lā jī tǒnɡ
  • trash can;garbage can;dustbin;waste bin;refuse bin;waste basket
  1. 一种新型地下垃圾桶及其提升机构

    A New Kind of Underground Refuse Bin and Its Hoist Mechanism

  2. 写下消极的想法,然后扔进垃圾桶,这是改善心情的心理学小窍门。

    Writing down negative thoughts and tossing them in a trash can is a psychological trick to improve your mood .

  3. 他把纸揉成小团,扔进了垃圾桶。

    He screwed the paper small and chucked it in the bin .

  4. 英国垃圾桶里平均约有1/3是产品包装。

    Packaging is about a third of what is found in an average British dustbin .

  5. 我很讨厌那只钟,随手就把它扔进垃圾桶里了。

    I took a great dislike to the clock , so I chucked it in the dustbin

  6. 欧洲的普通家庭每年扔进垃圾桶的可再利用材料的价值高达3,000英镑。

    The average family in Europe throws as much as £ 3,000 worth of reusable materials into its dustbin each year .

  7. 她拿出盘子,茫然地望着上面已经干掉的食物,然后把它倒进了垃圾桶。

    She took out the plate , stared blankly at the dried-up food on it , and tipped it into the bin

  8. 虽然餐馆每年都会扔掉成吨的食物,但由于上锁的垃圾桶、卫生条例或商业政策,大部分食物仍然是无法获得的。

    While restaurants throw away tons of food each year , much of it remains inaccessible because of locked garbage containers , health regulations , or business policies .

  9. 哈兹•马布里做了13年的学校管理员,每天走进校舍,倒垃圾桶、擦浴室、把走廊里的湿污渍打扫干净。

    Haze Mabry , who has worked as a school keeper for thirteen years , walks into the school building every day and empties garbage cans , wipes down bathrooms and mops wet messes in the hallways .

  10. 然后莫莉跑到外面,把萨米的吉他从脏兮兮的旧垃圾桶里拿出来,说:"你能教我弹吗?"

    Then Molly ran outside and took Sammy 's guitar out of the dirty old dustbin , and said , " Can you teach me to play ? "

  11. 东京广播公司的视频显示,未开封的午餐盒和面包被扔进了一个巨大的垃圾桶,这在社交媒体和其他地方立即引起一片哗然。

    The broadcaster 's videos of untouched lunch boxes and bread getting chucked into a large bin on social media and beyond .

  12. 英国家庭每年扔掉的食物达720万吨,其中包括价值120亿英镑、原本可以吃掉却被扔进垃圾桶的食物。

    Dubbed . Every year families in the UK throw away 7.2million tons of food , including spending £ 12billion on food which could have been eaten but ends up in the bin .

  13. 您还可以通过单击Myproductlist中的产品名称旁的垃圾桶图标删除一个产品。

    You can also remove an active product by clicking on the trash can icon next to the product name in the My products list .

  14. 人力资源部的女性员工一看到简历照片是个美女就妒火中烧,通常不往下看直接就把CV扔垃圾桶了。

    Jealous women in human resources departments will often bin the applications without forwarding them .

  15. “扔纸团”(PaperToss)游戏即在荧屏上让玩家把纸团扔到一个垃圾桶里会把手机序列号至少发送给5家公司。

    A game called Paper Toss players try to throw paper wads into a trash can each sent the phone 's ID number to at least five ad companies .

  16. 我是谁啊,我是兔子鸡也,MM,说吧,有什么委屈的事情,统统向我倒来,此时此刻你的垃圾桶。

    I is who , I am a rabbit chicken also , MM , say , have what injustice of affair , entirely pour to me , at this moment your garbage can .

  17. 提示:在这一情况下,out和away表示相同含义,所以throwsomethingout和throwsomethingaway都表示扔进垃圾桶。

    Hint : In this case , out and away can be used to express the same meaning , so to throw something out and to throw something away both mean to put it in the garbage .

  18. 找个机会清理一下你的内衣,把那些看起来脏兮兮、松垮垮的bra和小裤都扔进垃圾桶。

    Take the opportunity to clear out your underwear drawer and consign all greying , baggy bras and pants to the bin .

  19. 这就是说,垃圾桶里冒出的烟雾是nauseous(令人作呕的),因为它让你感到nauseated(作呕)。

    That means the fumes from the trash can are nauseous because they are making you feel nauseated .

  20. 每周Filt员工都会在收集玻璃废物的垃圾桶里寻找可以做蜡烛容器的原料。

    Every week , the Filt-ers rummage through glass recycling bins to find containers .

  21. 它们使我相信,如果能在twitter上做预算,必定也能以同样的方式进行所有的企业沟通,把电子邮件永远扔进垃圾桶。

    They made me think that if the budget can be done on twitter , it must be possible to do all Corporate Communications the same way , and put e-mail in the dustbin forever .

  22. “冰浴最好是使用移动式垃圾桶,因为在您腿部之上,1.5m水位产生的压力可以提高冷水的影响,”他说。

    " Makeshift wheelie bin ice baths are best as the pressure caused by1.5m of water above your legs increases the impact of the cold water ," he says .

  23. 2001年,在伦敦的一个艺术画廊,达明·赫斯特(DamienHirst)的作品也被清洁工扔进了垃圾桶,其中包括一个烟灰缸、脏的咖啡杯、空的啤酒瓶和皱巴巴的报纸。

    In 2001 a piece of art by Damien Hirst consisting of an ashtray , dirty coffee cups , empty beer bottles and crumpled newspapers was thrown away by cleaners at a London art gallery .

  24. 目击者称,第三起爆炸发生在巴格达曼苏尔区(Mansour),一枚炸弹在垃圾桶内爆炸,至少两名警察死亡,另外几名警察受伤。

    say a third explosion killed at least two police officers in Baghdad 's Mansour district , when a bomb exploded in a trash bin . Several policemen were also wounded .

  25. Steelcase的布拉德利说,女性往往喜欢有更多空间来存放她们的箱包,比方说一个直立带轮子的柜子,能够推放到办公桌下方那个通常放垃圾桶的位置。

    Women tend to like more storage for the bags they carry , such as an upright , wheeled receptacle that can slide under a desk where a trash bin might go , says Steelcase 's Ms. Bradley .

  26. 剪纸与皮影分别在高矮垃圾桶的侧面。

    Paper cutting height with the Shadow trash at the side .

  27. 我记得听到枪撞在垃圾桶底部的声音。

    I remember the sound of the gun hitting the bottom .

  28. 天啊!垃圾桶里塞满了千元钞票!

    Holy mackerel ! The wastebasket is full of thousand-dollar bills !

  29. 看着,我把它扔进垃圾桶了。

    See , I 'm putting it in the garbage can .

  30. 叫他们留意垃圾桶和下水道口。

    Tell them to pay extra attention to trashcans and manholes .