
  • 网络spammer
  1. 当你注册一个域名,使用了隐藏域名所有者信息功能的话,google或许会把你看成一个潜在的垃圾邮件制造者;

    Be aware that by using services that block domain ownership information when you register a domain , Google might see you as a potential spammer .

  2. 如果不是这样,垃圾邮件制造者就可以只生成一个高比特值的戳记并到处去使用它。

    If not , a spammer could mint just one high bit-value stamp and use it everywhere .

  3. 但是,对那些想要发送数百万消息的垃圾邮件制造者来说,不能容忍每条消息使用额外几秒的CPU时间。

    But a couple of extra CPU seconds per message is prohibitive to spammers who want to send millions of messages .

  4. 其他情况下,垃圾邮件制造者更改在helo语句中传递的域。

    In other cases , spammers change the domain that is passed in the helo statement .

  5. 即使垃圾邮件制造者利用植入木马(trojans)的僵尸(zombies)的技术,需要使用具体的hashcash戳记至少也会减少那些僵尸进程的发出量。

    Even if spammers utilize zombie machines they have infected with trojans , requiring individualized hashcash stamps at least slows down the traffic out of those zombies .

  6. 另外,一旦生成戳记,我不希望每一个想给我发送邮件的垃圾邮件制造者都能共享它。

    Also , once minted , I don 't want a stamp to be shared among every spammer who wants to send me mail .

  7. 比如,那些新闻稿都是从单一的一个邮箱中发出,设置方法同垃圾邮件制造者的惯用方式相似。

    Those news releases , for example , were being sent from a single mailbox that had been configured in a way similar to the method spammers like to use .

  8. 至少,我不希望他们是垃圾邮件制造者,那些人向我和上百万的其他人发送包含同样消息的邮件,期望我们中的某些人能购买某种产品或陷入一个骗局。

    At minimum , I don 't want them to be spammers who mail an identical message to me and ten million other people in the hope that a couple of us will buy a product or fall for a scam .

  9. 同时制定好的规则是公开的,使得垃圾邮件制造者容易掌握这些规则绕过过滤器来发送垃圾邮件。目前,垃圾邮件过滤成为研究的热点。

    At the same time , for the rules are opened to the public , spammers will be able to bypass the filter of these rules to send spam . Nowadays , the analysis of e-mail content is becoming a hot research topic in spam filtering .

  10. 虽然当前的反垃圾邮件技术对于过滤文本型垃圾邮件是相当地成功,但是随着垃圾邮件制造者变得更加灵活,垃圾邮件新的趋势&图像型垃圾邮件的出现使这些技术正在丢失它的效能。

    Although current anti-spam technologies are quite successful in filtering text based spam emails , all these techniques are losing their potency as spammers become more agile . A new trend in email spam is the emergence of image spam .